While the vehicle somersaulted, Zion, positioned at the forefront, bore the brunt of the impact but swiftly shielded Victor with his own body—a testament to his quick reflexes and sense of duty.

As the chaotic tumbling came to an end, Zion, having absorbed much of the crash's force, found himself wounded by sharp fragments of shattered car glass that had pierced his body.

Despite the immediate danger, there was no time for respite. Zion's heightened instincts detected approaching adversaries, identified as formidable cultivators.

In his prime, handling such opponents would have been a breeze, yet his current internal injuries presented an unforeseen challenge.

As Zion prepared to exit the car, the air was filled with the subdued echoes of what seemed to be a fierce altercation.

Peering through the window, his eyes captured a scene that sent shivers down his spine—it was the same young boy they had encountered at Moke's cave.

The intensity of the boy's combat skills startled Zion; h
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