Victor just sneered and walked into the hotel amidst their begging. As he passed by, he could seeing the arrogant receptionist who framed him being dragged out. 

Manager Zain looked at the two guards and receptionists on the ground begging outside, "You all are lucky my young master doesn't want to punish you more. If it were left to me, you would all be dead. Now get out of our premises."

She signalled the new guards that had replaced the old ones to drag them away from the vicinity. Then she quickly walked into the hotel to meet Victor.

A new receptionist had already replaced the old one. Manager Zain's secretary was capable so the secretary knew to replace those people immediately and luckily, WESTRIDGE HOTEL as the hotel was known as under Manager Zain's leadership always had backup workers incase one was sick or fired or any other reasons.

Manager Zain was nervous at that moment. This was the first time she was meeting her young master and the owner of the hotel and yet her subordinates offended him.

Victor knew she was nervous but he also knew it was not her fault. After all, no matter how powerful a person was, the person could never have the time to monitor all his or her workers.

"I don't blame you. Please can you prepare a room for me and a little meal. I want to have my shower, eat something and head out. Time is already far spent due to this drama so i won't be able to relax." Victor said as he looked at himself.

Manager Zain replied as her nervousness died down, "Thank you, young master. Please follow me, I will lead you to a room right now."

Manager Zain led Victor to one of the most luxurious rooms at the top of the hotel, then personally delivered the food to him. 

As she closed the door and left, Victor sighed. His life had changed now. He was no longer longer poor young man who could not take care of his family. He was no longer the poor man who would be willingly to be humiliated for money. Rather, he was now the heir to the powerful Parker family. Every of his actions represented the Parker family. 

Victor took his shower, changed into the clothes he bought, he ate the meal that was delivered to him then he headed out.

Outside the hotel, he took out his phone and dialed a number, then he spoke, "Where can we meet?"

As the person answered, he replied, "Got it."

While waiting for a taxi, Manager Zain came outside and bowed before asking him, "Young master, where are you headed so I can drop you off."

Victor was about to reject but on a second thought he agreed and told her the designated location. 

Within thirty minutes, they arrived at the airport. There was a little bar close to it. He quickly walked to the bar with Manager Zain trailing behind him.

In the bar, he squinted his eyes as he tried to find the person who fit his description of Butler Kain.

Butler Kain knew him but he didn't know Butler Kain so right now, he was looking for somebody dressed with overly luxurious items from head to toe, after all, in the bar there were several luxuriously dressed people. 

Another thing that made it harder was that they were several private booths in the bar.

His phone rang. Placing the phone in his ear, he was able to know where Butler Kain was and headed there.

Manager Zain knew who Butler Kain was. He was the one who hired her to manage the hotel. Seeing him, she was afraid at this moment, after all, she had indirectly offended Victor who happened to be her boss and even Butler Kain's boss.

Victor could see the fear on her face, even he himself was a little nervous, "Please go get something to drink and wait for me, I have something to discuss." 

Then he walked directly towards Butler Kain and sat down. He seemed tensed.

"You don't need to be so nervous in front of me. You are the heir of the Parker family. People like us should be the ones to cower or feel nervous in front of you." Butler Kain commented.

Butler Kain was in a private booth in the bar so neither him nor Alexander was afraid somebody would hear them.

Victor replied trying his best to be courageous, "When you called me, i was expecting someone different. More like an old man who will be extremely dressed in riches."

Butler Kain laughed, "Your thought is not unfounded. After all, most top families usually have old men in their sixties or more as their butlers. At least, I'm in my early fifties, I'm still young."

They both laughed. This little joke made the atmosphere more comfortable for Victor.

Then Butler Kain continued, "Besides, why would I dress to kill? I'm not trying to impress anyone and I'm wealthy so i don't see a reason to show off."

"That's true," Victor nodded. Still speaking as he slowly began to shed off his nervousness, "I originally thought i was an orphan. So how am I the heir of the Parker family?"

Butler Kain sighed before he began, "The Parker family have a tradition of making the children of every generation to go through a suffering and poverty training. The aim of this is to teach them to appreciate money. Wealth isn't easy to gain so when you face the sufferings of having no money, it shouldn't make you wise and smarter when you finally have money."

"So when you were two, you were sent into the world. Of course you were just dropped on the street and from there you were taken into an orphanage. Your every move has been watched since then. You are only called back to the family when you get to age 24. And you finally became 24 years old a few days back."

Victor was shocked, then he asked, "Does this apply to female children as well?"

"Female children have their own kind of training. It's not intense as male children. It's more about making their business skills stronger and developing a few important skills for them." The Butler replied.

Victor let out a sigh of relief hearing his reply.

Of course, Butler Kain knew Victor asked because of his daughter, Amanda.

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