After nearly three hours of driving, Victor arrived at a seemingly isolated location, guided by Moke to park the car. As the trio stepped out of the vehicle, Moke extended a welcome, declaring, "Welcome to the Warden Clan."

Perplexed, Victor arched an eyebrow and inquired, "Warden Clan? Is that the name of the village?"

Affirmatively, Moke nodded in response to Victor's question.

Victor voiced his confusion, "But where's the village? I only see bushes."

Moke grinned, encouraging him, "Take another look."

Upon a second glance, Victor's perspective shifted, revealing a bustling village with people engaged in various activities.

It appeared unremarkably ordinary, lacking any distinctiveness.

Victor frowned as he said, "I have two questions. Firstly, why was I unable to see the village earlier? Secondly, it appears rather ordinary and plain, unlike my expectations."

Moke grinned and explained, "To address your first question, the village's concealment was a clever illusion orchestrated b
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