Sofia was too stunned to even talk or blink for that matter. Seeing Carlos had frozen her to the core.

“C-Carlos!” Victoria shouted like a pig walking on broken glass. “Why are you disguised as Charles? What have you done to him? Where is he?”

“He’s… standing right before you,” Carlos raised the face mask in his hand. “I’m Carlos. And I’m Charles.”

Victoria’s eyes grew wider than the seas. The wine glass in her hand fell.

“I’m Carlos Wallce. I’m Charles Wallace,” Carlos added. “I’m the guy that has been treated like a trash, not worth her time, by Sofia no matter how much I tried to please her, and I’m also the guy that she has fallen for because she believed she deserved me when I was a gambler who earns in millions every match.”

Sofia still kept stupidly staring in gut-busting shock. (No! No! No! This can’t be true! This must be a dream! It has to be!) She refused to accept what was transpiring right before her eyes.

However, why wasn’t the nightmare ending?

Why was Carlos still sta
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