In the middle of the night, Sofia was rolling around and slapping her arms every now and then because bugs were biting her. There was no fan or AC in this cottage. All she had was a hand fan, and her arms had grown heavy from waving the fan. Now, she was completely drenched in sweat, and this made it all the more difficult for her to properly sleep.

She got up from the couch and shook her dress before walking out of the cottage. She could see the mansion in the distance. The words her mother told her a day ago came to her mind.

“After the wedding was stopped, we didn’t care about anything. But your sister went to the catering guys and told them to give the food to the homeless. They went and freely distributed the food throughout the city in our family’s name,” Victoria showed the details in the newspaper. “This is good for us because the public opinion will surely improve after this incident. We’re doing our best to make those videos Carlos showed at the wedding are fake. Even if som
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