Many minutes passed since Sofia and others got stuck in the smelly basement filled with rat poop and what not. Moreover, these rats were the size of cats. From having eaten all kinds of roots and seeds in the garden, they grew very bulky, and they did not fear these four humans. They were more arrogant than the Myers themselves, as if they were the real owners of this place!

As everyone waited with bated breaths, about an hour or so later, the music stopped. The sound of bats leaving reached their ears.

“Did they leave?” Sofia wondered. She told Cassey to check on it, but Cassey was still feeling her wounds. She refused to go out.

They waited a few minutes before coming out. To their relief, the bats were gone, and so did the guitar, but they didn’t care about the guitar.

“Our mansion must be cursed,” Victoria looked at Gregory. “Do something.”

“What do you want me to do? Bring some black magicians?” he yelled in frustration.

“I don’t know! Just make sure they won’t even come near our
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