"Oh, no. I can't believe this," Dub said to himself as Linda walked out of his house. She had just told him that Amelia was raped.

When Amelia returned from her trip, she tried to visit Dub at his house. She pressed the doorbell severally, but Dub refused to open the door, so she assumed that he wasn't around.

She tried calling his number, but he refused to pick it up. It was Sunday, so she decided that she was going to see Dub at the office the next day.

At the office the next day, Dub acted very coldly towards Amelia, while Amelia wondered what was wrong.

A night before, she had called him to get some information from him, but he wasn't picking up his calls.

Now that he acted very cold towards her in the office, she was sure that something was wrong with him, but she kept back from bringing up the issue during working hours.

She waited until it was closing time at work to see Dub. She went to wait in front of his car and watched him come out of the company premises, and not too
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