Arthur sat alone at their usual lunch table, still thinking about how Neri had walked away with Robin the previous day, and how she was so rude and impatient with him. Had she really changed so much within just a few weeks…?

When he finally saw Neri across the cafeteria, Arthur couldn’t hide his concern and said! 

“Neri, can we talk?” 

Neri rolled her eyes as she sat down, her attention already wandering. 

“About what, Arthur? Are you gonna lecture me again about Robin? Then, I suggest you save it.”

Arthur took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. 

“I’m not lecturing you, Neri… I'm just worried about you. He is not good for you, you're smart and have so much potential. Then why do you want to waste it by your own hands?”

Neri scoffed, a hint of annoyance in her voice. 

“Oh please, Arthur. You’re just jealous because no one in the history of your life has ever paid attention to you, be it girl or boy. That's why you're always buried in books, what do you know about the world?”

“I know that he is just taking advantage of you–”

"Shut up, Arthur! Just because you have a boring life, doesn't mean I should too! Life is not just about studying every day, you know. But again, if you knew anything about this, you wouldn't be so jealous of me finally living my best life.”

Arthur looked down, hurt by her words. “It’s not about jealousy, Neri. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Just then, he smelled the same dank perfume again, and looked up to see Robin's cocky smirk as he wrapped his arms around Neri. 

“What is your well-wisher whining about now?”

Neri laughed, leaning back against Robin. “Oh, nothing! Arthur is just trying to tell me how to live my life again.”

Robin chuckled, sliding into the seat next to Neri. 

“Seriously, dude, you need to give up now. She is never going to go for a loser like you!”

Neri scoffed;

“I don't know when he's gonna understand this! Life’s too short to worry about grades all the time.”

Arthur clenched his fists, trying to stay calm. “It’s not just about that, Robin. It’s about—”

“It’s about having fun, Arthur!” Neri cut in, her tone mocking. “And that's something you've clearly never experienced.”

“You should try looking outside of your pond, little frog!”

“Exactly! Maybe then you’ll understand why Robin’s so much cooler than you.”

Arthur felt a lump in his throat, he had never felt so isolated and misunderstood. His concern for Neri was genuine, but he couldn't make her see his point. He got up, his heart heavy with sadness and frustration as their laughter echoed behind him, mocking him ruthlessly… 


As much fun as Neri was having at first, when the final exams approached, Neri found herself in a state of utter frustration. 

Months of neglecting her studies to sneak out with Robin, had caught up with her. She sat at her desk, surrounded by empty notebooks and textbooks she hadn't opened in weeks.

"Ugh, this is a disaster," Neri muttered to herself, staring at the empty notebooks and dusty textbooks on her desk. 

Anxiety prickled at her as she thought about the looming exams and her parents' inevitable disappointment if she failed. This was the first year of her college, and they would probably kick her out! 

"How on earth am I supposed to study now?" she wondered aloud, frustration creeping into her voice. "I have no notes, no preparation... This is impossible!"


Somehow, Neri had managed to show up at the college on time, but she was feeling nauseous, just thinking about the exam she had to take in less than an hour.

Just then, her anxious gaze fell on a lanky figure, cramming his notes in the distance. Arthur… yes, he would help her! 

Throughout their friendship, Arthur had always been the dependable one… the one she could count on in times of need. Surely he would understand her situation and help her out this time as well… 

Neri hurried through the corridors, until she reached him. She was breathless by the time shr approached Arthur, her voice trembling slightly. 

“Arthur, please help me," Neri whispered urgently, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

“What are you talking about?”

“Arthur, I really need your help. I don’t have any notes, and I haven’t studied at all. The final exam is today, and I have to pass anyway. Please, it would be a huge favour, just this once, if you could maybe help me with... you know, with cheating. I swear, I'll never ask you again…"

Arthur frowned slightly, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

"You're asking me to help you cheat?" 

Neri nodded, feeling guilty but desperate. "Please, for the first and last time. It would solve everything."

Arthur shook his head. 

"Neri, I can't do that. Cheating isn't the answer. You're better than this, it would be better if you studied well and gave your exams next year, even if you happen to fail.”

Neri’s frustration boiled over, her voice rising in desperation. 

"You don’t get it, Arthur! My parents will never forgive me if I fail. This is my future we’re talking about. Don’t you want to help me or not!”

"No," Arthur interrupted gently but firmly. "I won't help you cheat. I can help you study, but that's it."

Neri laughed nervously, her nerves fraying at the edges. "Study now? There’s no time for that, Arthur. The exam is in an hour, just help me cheat this once! Please, I’m begging you."

Arthur’s expression hardened, his voice firm yet compassionate. 

"Neri, I can’t do that. Cheating is not an option, and you're not that kind of a girl. Trust me, you can do this the right way. You need to snap out of it–"

Neri's eyes flashed with anger. 

"Just stop it, Arthur! Stop pretending like you're better than all of us, when I know you're just like everyone else! You're a selfish asshole, who is jealous because I chose Robin over you. Admit it! You can't stand seeing me with him.”

“Neri, I'm advising you like a friend–”

Neri's desperation had already turned to frustration, fueled by her own guilt and the simmering resentment towards Arthur. 

“To hell with your friendship! What kind of a friend are you, who is only refusing me now because you're mad I didn't pick you. You've always been jealous of my boyfriend, haven't you!”

Before Arthur could even respond, Neri stormed off towards Robin, who was loitering nearby.

Her voice trembling with anger, she spoke without making an effort to hide her words. 

"Robin! Look, Arthur is again telling me to stay away from you, I don't know why he keeps trying so hard to ruin things between us… maybe because he feels jealous! I feel so bad everytime he tries to guilt me…"

She tried to wipe the imaginary tears from her face as she sniffed, and Robin's face instantly darkened with fury.

He clenched his fists, his temper rising as he made his way towards Arthur.

“You stupid pig! Didn't I tell you to never talk to my girl! Then how dare you!”

"There is a misunderstanding-”

Before Arthur could say anything, Robin punched him hard across the face, causing blood to drip out of Arthur's mouth as his cheek swelled up.

“This is my last warning, you wimp! Stay away from my girlfriend!" 

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