Arthur clutched his throbbing cheek, which hurt like hell… but even more than his face, it was his ego that was bruised.

He was totally overwhelmed by the feeling of helplessness and sadness after this confrontation with Neri. She had lied to everyone on purpose, just because he had refused to let her cheat?

He felt something warm on his face, and it was then that he realised that he was bleeding from his mouth. 

Shit, he had to go to the nurse's office now… 

There were a lot of students standing in the hallway, staring at them. But still, nobody offered to help him out. They just kept whispering amongst each other, casting glances in his direction.

Ultimately, he himself had to walk towards the nurse's office, holding his face and wincing with pain. However, his mind was buzzing with thoughts. 

This couldn't be true… Neri of all people, how could she betray him like this? They had been have friends for so long, and they had made so many plans for the future… they were going to get into the best university together. He wanted to spend his life with her, and now! Now, it felt like I he don’t even know her at all.

Sighing deeply, Arthur tried to shake off his disappointment as he headed to the examination hall after getting bandaged up. There were only forty minutes left for the exam, and he was determined to focus on his own path. 

As Arthur entered the hall, his attention was drawn to a commotion in the corner. Was this really happening!? 

He almost couldn't believe his eyes for a few moments, seeing Robin discreetly handing out copies of the exam questions to a group of students. Anger and frustration welled up inside him. 

How could they stoop so low? Arthur knew he couldn’t just stand by and watch this happen, this wasn't fair! Neither to the students who had actually studied hard for the exam, and nor for the students who wanted to take this shortcut and ruin their own future. 

Taking a deep breath and summoning all his courage, Arthur approached the group. 

"What are you doing? Don't you know it's against the rules? You can't distribute question papers like this, it's cheating!”

Robin chuckled, glancing at his friends with a smirk. 

"Oh, look who's the hero now. Mr. Goody two-shoes! Arthur McDowell."

One of the students scoffed. "Yeah, why don't you mind your own business, nerd?”

"Haven't you had enough of a beating today? Is your face itching for more punches?"

“Or maybe, you need a tight kick to your butt, to teach you a proper lesson."

Arthur ignored every taunt and repeated his words, making eye contact with Robin. 

“Robin! If you don't stop, I'll have to report this to the college authorities."

Robin sneered, "Oh wow, do you really think you can lecture us even now! Don't poke your nose in our business unless you want us to make your life a living hell. Got it?"

"Don't you have any last minute cramming to do? Just stick to your books and leave the real world to us. Or do you enjoy being the teacher's pet?"

"Let's see what will happen to you once you leave college and get to the real world! Nobody's gonna take care of a snitch like you!”

The group laughed, clearly unafraid of Arthur's threat. But Arthur wasn't ready to back down. He pretended to walk away, but quickly pulled out his phone and discreetly began recording the scene, capturing Robin and his friends with the incriminating exam papers.

He made sure to capture everyone's face in the video; and when he was done, he approached them again. His thumb was hovering over the “Send" button for the mail, in which he had already attached the video. 

"Consider it your last chance. Drop this cheating scheme right now, or–”

Robin rolled his eyes and stepped closer, his voice dripping with contempt. 

“Or what! You really think anyone cares about your stupid little threats? Go back to your seat, Arthur, and stop pretending to be a hero."

"Yeah, what are you gonna do? Cry to the dean? You're nothing but a tattletale, Arthur. Nobody likes a snitch."

Robin smirked, leaning in close. 

"You better back off, Arthur. Otherwise, we'll make sure you won't be able to walk on your own legs anymore. You'll be crawling around like the worm that you really are."

Robin's best friend, Mark added with a cruel laugh, "Yeah, little doggy. Better stay in your kennel and not mess with us."

Mark said this while shoving Arthur forward, causing him to get disbalanced and slam into the desk behind himself. Although Arthur was out of breath, he looked up defiantly. He had done it, he had pressed the button. 

"No matter what you do, it's too late now.  I've already sent the video to the dean. Let's see which dog goes back to his kennel now."

At that moment, Robin's other friend, Jake, stepped forward, his eyes glinting with menace. "You really think you can scare us, Arthur? Let me show you what happens to snitches." Jake grabbed Arthur by the collar and punched him hard in the stomach, causing Arthur to double over in pain.

Chuck, another one of Robin's friends, used this opportunity to grab Arthur's phone and saw the confirmation on the screen. His eyes widened in disbelief. "Robin, this shit actually sent the video to the dean!"

Chuck's face turned a deep shade of red as he glared at Arthur. "You idiot! Do you have any idea what you've just done?”


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