“Damn that Sorcerer! I was this close, this close to attaining the Yggdrassil!!!” a loud echo reverberated through the whole castle piercing the walls reaching outside where dark nimbuses gathered with tumultuous cracks within them. 

The queen wasn't happy, that was expressed on her face. Her sanguine eyes reflecting what was brewing deep within her soul. Hatred, she hated that cursed sorcerer with every fibre of her body. Her pale completion ghostly white, giving her an undead appearance. She slammed her hand on the gold carved throne she was sitting on shaking the whole throne room. 

A month had passed since Aether tricked her, she wasn't pleased that after working so much and so hard to incapacitate the sorcerer he pulled one on her, a fast one. Thinking about her failure made her even more furious added to the fact she and her men weren't able to locate where that bastard of a sorcerer went to. 

The double doors leading to the throne room parted revealing the hallway built from alabaster. Large windows placed on each side allowing light to penetrate the hallway, a crimson carpet extended from down the hallway, through the hallway itself and into the throne room up to the foot of the throne. 

Standing at the door was a guard wearing full armor. The guard removed the helmet attached to the armor revealing a feminine face underneath. Full lips, plump cheeks, short lashes were features that stood out second to the guard's piercing dark silver eyes and purple short hair. “Mi'lady what you've asked has been done.”

The woman on the throne, smirked. At least without the persky sorcerer, she would be able to fully conquer the lands for her own. She knew that she will be having a difficult time doing so, if Aether was around. Even a powerful individual as him, could not match up to her might.

She stood up from the throne, Qi accumulating outside her body as she dud so, in a flash of light. Her attire had changed from the regal one she was wearing to her full battle suit. The battlesuit consisted of dragon heads protruding from each shoulder blade, metallic arm, elbow and wrist guards. Black gloves, breast plate made from enchanted metal. A long white cape with an insignia of the red sun, a crown and a staff in hand. She slowly descended the stairs and calmly strode towards the guard. “Assemble the Night Owl. Tell them to prepare for war.”

The guard nodded and quickly left heading to inform the respective members of the Night Owl.

Watching the guard flee from her sight, the queen chuckled to herself, it was high time Elentia felt her wrath. She was going to shape the history of the world and make all kneel before her. She was determined to rule with an iron fist, strip the weak of their freedom and subjugate them. She stopped near one of the large windows, and faced in the direction of Elentia.


She thought and opened her hand. Vast amount if Qi, generating from her and the surroundings gathered in her palm taking shape of a lance. The lance had a length of 10 meters and a radius of 30 with the tip being half the length of the lance itself. Polar opposite Qi, made from yin and yang rotated around the tip.

She reared her hand backward, moving her torso with it a bit. Her right foot placed a few inches ahead of the left, which was slightly bent at the knee. With a portion of her strength, she threw the lance through the window at top speeds which easily bested even hypersonic speeds in the direction of Elentia.


The kingdom of Elentia was enjoying its serenity when the barrier protecting the continent itself shattered and something came flying through heading to the royal palace. The king, Midas the XVII stood up from his throne. His bulky physique bulking up more as he caught sight of the incoming projectile. Midas removed the heavy golden armor he had on, leaving him bare chested exposing his rock hard physique. Veins appeared on his biceps as he endeavored his Qi across his body. 

He knew that they kingdoms weren't safe from Linux wrath with Aether gone. And a kingdom which couldn't protect itself would fall in seconds to the wrath of that tyrannical witch. As such he took liberty in being protector of the weak but even he knew, that he couldn't handle the strength of Linux and her army alone that's why he had proposed formation of the Chalice Of Sovereigns. 

Stepping to the balcony, Midas extended his hands forward, folding the pinky, ring fingers into his palm, trapping them with his thumb. The two fingers that weren't folded moved as he drew a circular motion before him calculating the distance he needed to send the incoming projectile. 


The circle he drew with his fingers attained an obsidian hue while the middle of it turned into obsidian. A full body circle of obsidian pigment opened up as the lance hit transferring the lethal construct from the kingdom to the ocean. However as much as Midas tried to contain the impact recoil, he couldn't hold everything in. The tension and sweat on his ivory skin being the representation of his struggle as the byproduct of the lance tore through a quarter of the capital, reducing It to nothing but rubble.

The actual lance was transported to the sea outside of Elentia. It hit the water and a large explosion ensued as the energy composing the lance collapsed on itself exploding in the process. It towered over the kingdom, being visible to as far as Flegflum. The water visibly shook and massive waves pushed outward heading to the neighboring kingdoms reeking destruction. The blast radius of the explosion eroding away the landmass on the ocean floor covering the outskirts of Elentia. And in the middle where the lance impacted, was nothing but a deep, wide hole. The hole looked like a bottomless pit and had a radius of a mountain.

Linux scoffed as she felt her attack miss its mark. It seems like Midas learned something, she licked her lips and prepared herself for long ranged bombardment. Linux knew that alone, she could ragdoll the kingdoms individually but combined, she knew they were a force to be reckoned with. As such she prepared her most devastating ability as she opened the door leading into the meeting room where her generals, the night owls were waiting for her to arrive. 

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