Midas huffed and collapsed to one knee, stopping that lance proved to be an even more difficult task than he had hoped. He took a breathe and got up, they needed to know about what had happened. The world wasn't safe anymore, with Linux rampaging out of hand. Deep down Midas cursed Aether, cussing him for abandoning them right when they needed to topple the witch.

He came up to the round table and placed his hand on the edge, feeding the table his Qi, triggering a matrix to manifest covering the whole table in an array of complex designs before the pivot shot up and unfolded into a holographic monitor that was split into three portions. Each portion flared to life as three other rulers aside from him appeared.

On the left was a man with a long auburn beard, pointy nose with wots on it. He had squinted eyes and auburn hair, his pale skin graced with wrinkles showing his age. He was the king of Flegflum, Astaroth Tara.

Next to Astaroth, was a woman with an oddly shaped mouth. From the edges extending to the cheeks were lines that looked as if they were sworn together, she had  overly feminine features such as round cheeks, full lips, large lilac eyes. She wore a blue blouse, her name was Lily Cobalion the Queen of Anthropis.

Following Lily, was a man who looked to be in his twenties, having blonde hair neatly combed. Sharp blue eyes and a Caucasian skin tone, he wore a gold embroided robe, his name was Alucard Novachrono, the king of Enslynue. 

Midas stared at the three on the screen, his face grim. “Fellow rulers, I'm sure you all have witnessed that large explosion earlier, the cause was Linux. She has started her reign of terror and we need to stand together to stop her.”

Lily kept a straight face as she assimilated the information given to her. “She's the one behind the explosion? How powerful had she gotten ever since Aether disappeared? This cannot stand, I agree with Lord Midas.”

Alucard however, wasn't on board with the coalition. His predecessor joined the ruse of peace and in doing so opened the gates of Enslynue to outsiders. “I won't entertain this, every kingdom for itself. My predecessor was a fool for thinking that, this would help in bringing the Era of peace. I'm not helping”

Midasʼ facial expression changed, and rightfully so. He heard stories of the new king being full of himself but to this degree? His predecessors must be rolling in their graves at the moment. He stared at Alucard, face void of emotions he had shown earlier. “With all due respect Lord Novachrono, could you not undermine what your predecessors tried establishing? It's up to you to continue holding the peace and in times such as this one, we need to be allies instead of adversaries. I know for certainty alone, we won't stand a chance against Linux yet united we can.”

Alucard scoffed at the statement, alone they cannot stand to a woman? That was simply preposterous. The mere thought of him losing to a woman made him chuckle uncontrollably, drawing attention of the other three rulers as to why he was finding this situation funny. “ You may be weaklings depending on one another but I am not. I'm perfectly capable of being able to protect my land if push comes to shove and I won't ever lose to a woman never.”

The other rulers find it ironic that Alucard would make that declaration. Midas once again was the one to address Alucard, who appeared as if he wanted nothing to do with the summit. “Young master, it seems you have no idea about who you are talking about. Linux isn't just any woman. In all the generations of queens ever to ascend the throne of Amalie, Linux is by far the most powerful one. So powerful, even the Supreme Sorcerers feared her might. An offspring of a demon and a demi god.”

Alucard clicked his tongue and cut the Qi flow from his side. The holographic screen showing his side vanished leaving only the other 3 rulers.

Midas sighed, it seems as if Enslynue had anointed a wrong candidate, one that would lead them to their downfall. But after their lord made it clear that he is capable alone, Midas saw it fitting to not do anything even if Alucard asked for aid. He returned his attention to the other two and they started discussing their plans, knowing full well that a storm is coming and it brought change in its path.


Linux stepped into the hall where her generals were sitting, all wearing identical full-body armor and helmets disguising their features, however she knew them one by one as such she was not worried. The six generals at the table, all stood up and bowed before the queen for a few seconds then sat down on their respective seats.

Linux stood at the head of the table, a map in hand and a sword in another. She glanced at the generals concomitantly placing the map on the table. “I'm sure you all know that Aether is no more. With him gone so is the Yggdrassil, however I found out that there's another source of power one that's close to the Yggdrassil, but to attain that the four kingdoms need to fall.”

The general closest to her left side shifted a bit and removed the helmet. He had long brown hair, brown skin, brown eyes, high cheekbones and thin lips, his eyes directed themselves at her majesty. “from what i could gather my lady, Midas, Lily and Astaroth would surely be in arms to fend off your assails, however Alucard on the other hand shows extreme dislike towards the other sovereigns. I believe we can use that to our advantage, knowing Lily, she will try to convince Alucard to see that working together is better than working alone, which gives us the opportunity to destroy them from the inside out by using Alucard.”

Linux smirked, Bulgard seems to have an idea on how they could crumble the empire from the inside out. She thought for a moment, then her face gleamed with excitement. “All of you generals, shall focus the kingdom's military force on Elentia and Flegflum, I will handle Alucard myself. Also here, extracts from my own blood.”

Linux gave the six with her capsules filled with her blood. Her blood was glowing a reddish color mixed with violet added to her Qi. She knew why she gave them that and as quickly as she did, she disappeared from their sight heading to carry out her plan. 

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