Over the duration of six weeks, Linux frequently showed up to where Alucard was, and before the he knew it, he was falling for the woman slowly. She was charming, kind and mostly beautiful, qualities of a queen. But little did he know, a plan had been formulated and he was walking head first into its maw.

Alucard arrived at the destination with the intent to tell Anastasia how he felt, he felt nervous. Fighting an army was better than this feeling he was feeling. As he arrived at the Peach tree, he saw her like usual sitting high on the tree branches. Wearing a pink dress reaching her knees and high heeled shoes. Alucard found himself staring at her as she was lit up by the sun and the reflection of the peach tree leaves giving her a whole new level of elegance.


Linux turned to look at the voice and a bright smile graced her lips. She jumped down and was caught by Alucard who twirled around for a bit then placed her on her feet.

Their embrace lasted a few more minutes as the two remained still.

“Ana, for a while now I've kept this deep in my chest.”

Linux, or Anastasia brought her head back and looked at Alucard in the eye. “What do you mean?”

Alucard became hesitant, while in his mind offered himself a pep talk of encouragement. “ I don't know how to say this, but I've grown to like you, not as a friend but something more.”

As Alucard confessed, Linux smiled, while deep inside she was jumping with glee. Her plan had worked out and it was time to take the world by storm, she leaned in close to Alucard, positioning her lips next to his ear. “Poor Alucard, the truth is... I'm not who you think I am, he hehe, now awaken from your slumber Demon King Dracula.”

Alucard's eyes widen as the scalera turned black, his eyes shifting to crimson. He pushed Linux away and knelt on the ground, hands clutching his head as memories flashed through his mind while he tried to fight off the thing that came over him, he glanced up and gritted his teeth seeing Anastasia now in her true form.

“What... Have.... You... Done... To

.. Me.”

Linux watched the writhing man and resisted the urge to laugh, how foolish could he be? He couldn't even detect the malice she was intentionally leaking? But that didn't matter as he was about to be something more, something greater. “I merely gave you what you sought after, power. Power beyond your imagination, now use it for me and get me the scepter of Avalon.”

The clear skies converted into darkness, dark clouds swirled out of nowhere clouding the whole kingdom. Thunder flashed across the heavens, while lightning struck the earth below. From inside the clouds a pillar of dark Qi descended and fell onto the ground, right on top of Alucard. The pillar emancipated an aura of dread, death and malice.

Alucard faded away, the thing his mind registered was the triumphant look Linux had on his face. With Alucard gone, Dracula, the alter ego Linux sow in Alucard appeared. His appearance changed a bit as he harnessed the Qi into his body, turning his skin reddish while his hair turned white. A tail sprouted from the tail bone and his fingernails turned to claws.


His laugh sent shockwaves sweeping across the land demolishing the trees as it went. Not a moment later, multiple guards made themselves known to the duo. All armed with weapons, behind them being the long ranged spell casters.

The Archduke, leader of the guards, Rugal stepped forward. His face serious as it could be while his brownish eyes spotted hatred in them. He knew who this person was but at the same time he did not. “What have you done with our Lord? Answer me witch.”

Linux chuckled, they were too funny but she didn't have time to waste, she wanted to find that scepter. The Qi inside of it, and the unique trait it possessed was what she sought. “Dracula, can you be a darling and finish this?”


Dracula grinned, and in his palm manifested his forearm bone which quickly reshaped into a broadsword while the bone in his arm regenerated to fill the gap. “With pleasure!”

Linux nodded and flew away leaving Dracula and the guards there.


Without warning, Dracula jumped up, the bone blade in both hands and he quickly descended, impacting the ground with the blade causing the terrain to be remodeled as the earth bulged outward, releasing a Qi shockwave in the process.


The mages in the royal army casted an omnidirectional barrier of Qi which contained the explosive force of their Lord's blade from covering the area besides the one they were in. Simultaneously trapping him inside the barrier itself.

Dracula chuckled, it seemed like his initiation was not enough. With excellent footwork, Dracula twirled on his heel, the Demon Bone Sword in hand and he'd launch an omnidirectional wave of destructive Qi to the targets surrounding him.


everyone was forced to dodge as the wave demolished everything around it, even the Qi barrier they had set up. Everyone was shocked at the amount of destruction Dracula had made in just two attacks, everything within a radius of three hundred meters was laid to waste, crumbled to fine dust. The Archduke seeing the level of destruction and the power gap between Dracula and his soldiers retreated to the vanguard, to formulate a plan.

The melee fighters charged at Alucard from all sides, their attacks and weapons coalesced with Qi aiming to end the imposter where he stood. But they had no idea who they were dealing with, for the umpteenth time, Dracula smirked and like a bolt of lightning striking the ground moved.


A mirrored version of Dracula appeared mimicking his movements and speed but in an opposite manner like positive and negative. With both Qi and physical Dracula swinging their swords, the product of their assail manifested. Multiple cuts appeared on all the guards, splitting them in horrid fashion. Gutting their intestines out, cutting their throats, decapitation, body splitting etc. The army of five hundred was reduced to one, Rugal who was on his knees, bleeding with a missing hand, knee and eye.

“My lord... Why... Are... You... Doing... This?”

Dracula just stared at the man and chopped his head off. His eyes void of emotions, only having his goal and that was to aid his creator in her goals. Dracula disappeared from the area after he was done leaving behind a bloodbath. 

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