Min-yin stared at Evangelist with wide eyes. Awakening just like Argus? That was something big, on top the Thunder Goddess, Evangelist entertained a child's requests? What was the world coming to?

“You offered him a fight?”

Min-yin watched as Evangelist nodded.

“So what was the outcome of the fight?”

Evangelist looked at her nearly empty cup and looked back at Min-yin. “I lost, he managed to make me use my left hand to block his attack after I said I won't.”

The latter was stupefied beyond belief, an A-ranked hunter lost to a mere child? No matter what kind of prodigy he is, it should've been a squash match. She found herself licking her lips subconsciously, a strong man. Arthur was indeed becoming a strong man, Min-yin had to keep her fangirlish side under control.

However, her gestures weren't missed by Evangelist, she just shook her head. She knew how her friend could be once she starts her fantasies about her knights in shining armor rescuing her, the damsel in distress. “Min-yin, He is still a child you know that right? Here's barely 18.”

Min-yin was flastered, she poked her fingers together before it clicked. “Wasn't he turning 18 in 3 months? To me he is 18.” she smirked and decided to tease Evangelist more. “Or are you saying that because I showed interest in your source of interest?”

Evangelist resisted the urge to face-palm, what on earth is wrong with this woman? Was the thought flowing through her mind. She cleared her throat, intentionally changing the topic because she knew how her friend could be like. “ Anyway, since tomorrow is the preliminaries. Which hunting guild do you think will accept newbies? Cause I saw that multitude of talents from all over South Korea are participating.”

Min-yin just shrugged, she had no interest in the hunters exams but remembered that Arthur was going to take part in the exams as well. She propped her face inside her palm, looking way unimpressed. “Dunno, but I do know that the Crimson guild will be accepting, they always hog all the strong newbies around. No wonder they are number one in the whole of Korea.”

Evangelist nodded, it was indeed true. The Crimson Guild was one power hungry guild, having one World-ranker as their guildmaster. They had powerful rankers in their midst and their gate clearing score was unparalleled. “Well it might be fun to watch.”

Having said her piece, Evangelist stood up and walked to the door, lingering behind her, Min-yin. They stopped outside, just a few feet away from the crosswalks waiting for the light to become green for pedestrians to cross.

“So are you going to retire from the Orphanage and resume active duty as a hunter?” Min-yin asked, looking straight at the traffic lights.

“Yeah, the chairman said that, the government is going to hire a new matriarch to take care of the children. They said that, the number of gates that had opened are too many and the other hunters are thinned out trying to clear them.”

Silence lingered afterward, the two headed their separate ways after the light turned green. Evangelist heading to her guild while Min-yin headed home.


Arthur sat on the top branches of the Sakura tree in the courtyard. It had been a while since he had discovered his innate ability. He was still giddy about everything that had happened, even if Aether tried to suppress those charms about Arthur he couldn't do it whole. The boy's quirks stuck.

『Requirement met: Used Blood Orchid One Time. 

Stacked Blood Orchid twice.

  + 20 points allocated 

  New class unlocked: Cultivator

Cultivating stage: 1.

Black feather rewarded. 

  + 1,000 gold coins allocated

 Tear of the fallen one rewarded

Leveled up: Level 2

Extra-skill, Cultivation scripture call of nature. 』

Arthur watched as the pop up messages notified him of the changes that had occurred, he did not know, that if he used Blood Orchid he would get these rewards, and to tell the truth he was excited.

“Gold coins? I wonder what those do.” He mused to himself and pressed the cart icon opening the system shop.

『Arodis System store. 

Amount: 1,000 gold coins

Healing drink: 100 coins 

Anti-paralysis drink: 150 coins

Oars dagger : 500 coins

First aid kit: 450 coins

Healing ornaments : 300 coins 

Featherine Ring: 700 coins 』

Arthur's eyes scanned through the shop list. He had tried to cash out the coins but for some reason the system didn't allow that. He settled for buying with them. His fingers clicked on the Featherine Ring and the healing drinks.

He watched as the message informing him of his successful purchase dinged and the items moved to his inventory. Opening the inventory, Arthur clicked on the Featherine ring and opened the information tab.

『Featherine Ring: a ring blessed by the fowls roamind the heavenly mountains. When activated, a fowl feather bracelet encase the wearers hand giving them a shield of wind for ten minutes and allows them increase their evasiveness and reaction speed. 

 Cannot be traded or sold』

Arthur scoffed, but everything was good. He stood up from the branch and clicked the ring. It appeared in his palm and he wore it on his middle finger besides the Ring Of Archeon.

“Cultivation huh? It seems like my past life abilities are slowly getting integrated into this one, interesting. I wonder.” Arthur mused to himself yet again,

He jumped from the tree top and gracefully landed on the courtyard, the Moons luminosity beaming down on him making him appear more majestic.

It was at this point, that Evangelist had returned from her guild and she was struck in her place. The boy... No teenager to be young adult standing there under the moonlight as if commanding it. Min-yin's words rang in her head, she shook her head and slapped her cheeks before scarrying away to reflect on what she had seen.

Arthur turned around having felt a pair of eyes watching him, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary aside from the silhouette made by the large building behind him. He shrugged and headed inside, skipping bed all together opting to rest and preserve his energy for tomorrow.


Evangelist stood in front of the mirror in her room. She had her black lacy nightware on, in her hand she had a ribbon which she used to tie her hair into a bun. She stared at her reflection on the mirror.

“Am I truly starting to like him?”

“But that's absurd is it not?”

“Maybe, Min-yin was right.”

Evangelist shook her head and headed off to bed. Her mind tumultuous from what she had sighted. Tomorrow was going to be a spectacle, as such she needed all the energy she could gain. 

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