When morning came, the orphanage was bussing as the children were excited of what will be happening today. Their elder siblings had the means to become hunters, they were sources of inspiration to the younglings. Ikki, sat at the table drowning in the attention he was getting.

“Woah thats so cool, so do you like shoot flames?”

“Ikki is so cool!”

“I bet he's going to win this all. No one is stronger than him.”


Ikki didn't know if he should cry tears of happiness or punch his chest and yell to the world. Eyes sparkled, as his ever big ego was inflated beyond proportions. “Damn right you know I will.”

It was in that point, Arthur descended to the dining hall and everything became quiet. Arthur had changed his attire, consisting of black jacket with a white shirt, black pants and black boots. He pulled the chair and sat down.

Arthur quietly, ate his breakfast, he didn't meet any of the other's eyes preferring to ignore them in sake for keeping the tranquil ambience in the dining hall, however, that was totally contrasted as the usual fight picker did what he did best.

“Flukethur, do you think you have all it takes? And also what is with those rings?” Ikki questioned, shooting a well placed stare at Arthur.

Arthur merely raised his head, brought his eyes on equal visage level as Ikki and turned back to his food. “None of your business.” He huffed under his breath.

Ikki caught on what Arthur had said, a pulsing vein appeared on his temples. He slammed his hand on the table with so much force the whole table shook. “Care to repeat that?”

Arthur shrugged, and pushed away the bowl of food. He lost his appetite due to Ikki's non-stop probing, he stood up and left the dining hall.

His muse less stride led him to the gates of the orphanage, he figured he should get going as the hunters examinations were about to begin shortly, he had to scout out the possible threats to his quest to being a hunter.

❛ I wonder what kind of people will be taking the exams.❜ Arthur thought as he left the orphanage heading in the direction of the city square.

South Korea - Seoul's independent Guild Cooperation.

The largest structure in Seoul, was circumambient by hordes of reporters and fans at the same time. After all, notorious figures were making a scene ready to spectate the upcoming exams and see whom are qualified to join their ranks. The castle like Guild was bronze colored, with massive support structures holding it from all sides. It had two large entrances and a stair case. In front, representing the guild, was their emblem banner, showing an ouroboros symbol.

The audience went wild! As a man with red hair wearing a business suite walked forward. The reporters taking photos like crazy.

“Look its him!!”

“Oh he is so dreamy!”

“We love you Taiju.”

The S-rank, Taiju of the dragon fang guild shuddered at the screech of the fangirls declaring their love for him. His red eyes danced to the sides as he kept a straight face, walking forward.

“Well ain't that interesting, ey dragon?”

Taiju narrowed his eyes, he knew that irking voice. he resisted the urge to throw a punch at the person behind him.

“You always know how to piss me off don't you Lieh?”

Lieh raised his hands and walked besides Taiju. Lieh stood at an average height, he has green hair, pale skin tone, dark cyan eyes and a beard, he wore a kimono with a sash tied around the middle and had his sword strapped on his waist.

“Its always funny to rile you up.”

“Tsk! You never change do you?”

“So who are you going to accept today? You going for the strongest ones? Not that you don't have the other guilds to compete with.”

Taiju pondered for a moment. “I don't know in actuality. We shall see.”


With the guild masters and acting guild masters having arrived prior. The contestants were now flooding in to the guild where the examinations were going to be held, Arthur stepped into the spotlight and turned around as the cameras started taking photos from all sides, behind him, was Ikki, Kishio and Urora. Three of the teenagers that have honed their awakened and part of the bully gang in the orphanage.

Arthur ignored them and walked into the building.

His eyes wondered around the many combatants in the spacious hall. Some were already acquainted with one another, having originated from the same place while others were distant.

Arthur stood at the back and waited for the examination to begin which wasn't long.

❝ Greetings combatants, my name is Lui Bo-Jin. The prosecutor of this year's Hunter examination. ❞

Lui said as he stepped to the pendulum. The microphone booming very loudly, everyone was quiet as they awaited the details. Even those at home waited for Lui to continue.

❝ Unlike normally, this year's examination will be divided into two parts. One being the Qi testing, the other being the Preliminaries. Each category will be accessed accordingly and each combatant will be given a score based on their performance.❞

❝ If You look at the screen above you, everything will show itself. From the lineups. The Qi testing test, tests ones Qi. All you have to do is place your hand on the orb there and it will calculate. ❞

Lui said as he pointed at the Qi orb next to the large orb which was glowing with Qi.

❝ Without further interruptions, let the first part begin. ❞

The monitor behind him flashed through random names of those who had registered when they arrived at the guild. The random roulette, stopped on the first combatant. Mineta.

Mineta took his turn and got a rating of 140 Qi output which made the Guild masters very intrigued, a newbie having such high output he could as easily be a D-C ranked.

One by one, the 250 combatants went and got tested. Ikki got a 130, Urora got a 115, Kishio got a 135. Each of the 249 combatants had an average of above a 100 with the weakest being a 104.

The monitor landed on Arthur, who stepped up to the orb.


In the spectator room, the guilds representatives watched in amusement, they had seen sprouting talent and could sense it, but in Arthur they couldn't sense anything.

Min-yin nudged Evangelist on the shoulder with her elbow, a predatory look flashing in her eyes. “He grew to be a hot young man.”

Evangelist rolled her eyes and watched the examination with interest. She had already vouched for Arthur to be accepted in the WildRift guild, the guild she and Min-yin was part of. She didn't know why, but she had an intuition that Arthur was something that more than what meets the eye.


Arthur calmed his nerves down, and placed his palm on the orb. It didn't do anything for a moment, causing the others to laugh. But Arthur wasn't that much bothered.

『Notification: Returning from the past Era. Loading, 1%』

Arthur saw the notification window and knew what it meant. His Qi flowed immersely into his hand and the orb glowed exponentially.

❝ What is this? This has never been seen before. The rating are going up like crazy, we can't measure his Qi

❞ One of the scientists said, evidently shocked as the results skyrocketed beyond measures. Rising from 130 to 1030 but they didn't stop.

Lui watched that and had to put a stop to it. He walked to Arthur and placed a hand on his shoulder causing the boy to cut off the Qi he had sent to his hand.

❝ That's enough ❞

Arthur nodded and left the stage heading back to his spot in the corner of the room. Many were stupefied, not even World-rankers could do that to the orb yet this boy just smudged it like paste.

The Guildmasters were now excited, a prosperous young man with such amount of Qi was truly one that appears in a millennium.

No one was shocked like Evangelist, she had her eyes wide and mouth open.

❛ Is He even human? ❜

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