Chapter Eighteen (A void)

Tears trickled down Raymond's cheeks. When the first bullet pierced through his chest, he locked eyes with the barrel of a gun - clinging to Dera's hand. It felt like he was lost in a trance until the second bullet pierced through his chest.

Raymond groaned in pain. Not only because of the excruciating pain from bleeding scar. But because this whole betrayal scheme had Dèra in it.

He fell to the floor - eyes soaked in tears, a heart smashed into fragments, and a chest - pierced with two bullets.

AI took the gun off Dera's grip. "You still have the mafia blood running in your veins." Al commended, mashing his mouth on Dera's lips.

Tyler and Ria exchanged glances, their eyes - sticking out in terror. The last thing they expected Al to do was kill Raymond. He's the smartest and fastest killer in the gang.

At first, Ria wanted to defend Raymond. But Al's ruthlessness sent shrills of fear down her gut. If he can kill Raymond without a flick of remorse, driving a knife into her throat w
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