Chapter Seventeen (A Shot)

Raymond blinked his eyes rapidly to ensure he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. He flinched when Dera walked into the room. His lips - were wide open as if he had just seen a ghost.

For a moment, he expected Dera to have lacerations on her skin, or blood gushing out of her veins. Because anyone abducted by Trysis is always beaten till their skin is unrecognizable. So what happened?

But Dera was hale and spotless. Her face was even adorned with alluring makeup. Raymond squinted his eyes multiple times - unable to process what was going on. And the fact that AI introduced Dera as a surprise heightened his anxiety and shock.

"Dera?" Raymond blurted - with a flitting gaze. "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?" He gazed at Ria as if he'd found the answer to his question on her face.

Ria broke eye contact and dug her fingers into her palms. Ria to disguise her surprise, her body language gave her away. Ria has got snakes in her closet.

Tyler had a dismayed look on his f
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