Chapter Five (Welcome To Nairobi)


After an eight-hour flight, Raymond touched down at Nairobi, Kenya. He booked a room in one of the luxurious hotels in the city.

Raymond feels indebted to society at the beginning of every mission, and whenever he completes them it feels like baggage has been lifted off his chest. But this John Marvin's mission hits kind of differently. First, he is still obligated as he has always been, but this time - with a different objective. He intends to give back to society for the last time and move on to the next phase of his life.

Years ago, the satisfaction birthed from murdering an evil doer fills him with glee and his hands itched to do more. But now, he's about to be a father and that makes him want to end everything. For the sake of the embryo growing inside Dera. For Dera's sake. For love's sake.

She's the only family he has and the fact that another member is about to be added to that family makes him dread the responsibility that comes with being a father.

His heart shrinks at the mayhem his departure from Trysis will cause. Before his initiation into the group, he swore an oath never to disclose any information about the group and also to remain a member till he takes his last breath. Trysis is governed by several rules and that implies that the only reward that comes with departing from Trysis is - death.

Raymond swore an oath when he became a member of the Trysis. He swore to keep every detail about the mafia and to always abide by its rules. Choosing to depart from the mafia after taking that oath is a concrete definition of betrayal. But sometimes love can make you do crazy things, right?

For a long time, Raymond and Al have been friends and their friendship has transcended to a solid stage. At the moment nothing seems to be a hinge to the strong bond they share. Raymond believes this connection he has with the mafia boss will make him evade the consequence that comes with breaking one of the most important rules. After all, he is the smartest and bravest member of Trysis. No one will want to mess up with 002.


Just maybe a friendship of over a decade will tame the forthcoming mayhem.


Raymond paced around his hotel room. His alluring dark hair danced to the soft breeze creeping in through the window. His gray shirt - tightened to his strong muscles.

He sighed as he reached for his phone - dialing a number. He strode to the bedside, as the chandelier blazed the room in its entirety. He stood right in front of the mirror.

"Yo, Ray. Did you get my text?" Tyler muttered from the other end.

"Yeah. You sent an address"

"That's the address to where you'd find JM. It's a club. The sucker likes to let it rain. I'm still trying to hack into his device. But I hope you nail him down at the club. I'd save that as a second plan."

"Cool..... So what's the first plan?"

"I have a few details about him. He's wearing a black shirt with blue pants. John Marvin has got dark hair. He's a bit old, he's got em wrinkles"


"You'd nail him down at the club. Make sure he transfers the entire money to the Mafia's account. Al insisted that a huge amount be donated to charity. Thereafter you'd kill him, leaving no trace. There are cameras... Keep your head up."

"Copy that"

"And you need to put that chip on your shirt. That way, I'd be able to see your location. The police station is just a 10-minute drive from the club. I don't want you getting involved with the donut patrol"

Raymond cackled softly. "Motherfucker!"

"That's it. Put that chip on your shirt, so I'd put an eye on you"

Tyler hung up.

Raymond put the phone back in his pocket. He went to the closet - where he put in his stuff. He pulled out a backpack. He hovered the backpack on the bed and unzipped it. He brought out a tiny but magnetic chip. He attached it to the side of his collar and it beeped, flashing a green light.

He pulled a pistol out of the bag. He placed the gun behind his pants. He zipped the backpack and returned it to the closet. He rubbed his hands together and a satisfying sigh fell off his lips as he walked out of the hotel room.


"Thank you" Raymond as he collected a glass of champagne from a waiter. He gazed at the multitude dancing in the club. Ladies - decked in their wardrobe specials wiggling their waists to the rhythm of the music, while a few of the men jigged with them. Some of the men gazed from afar - sitting on a sofa. Raymond swept the entire crowd in a single gaze. He sipped from the glass - still glancing at the wild crowd.

In places like this, people like John Marvin would always crave prestige and recognition. "He'd be in the VIP section," Raymond thought.

Raymond gulped down the entire drink, leading out a wince. He placed the glass on a tray and disappeared into the crowd. He roamed past the middle of the ululating crowd.

The VIP section had no one with the description Tyler gave to him. He stood beside a poll, his hand caressing his jaw, when a view caught the corner of his eyes. A man whose appearance matched the details he had walked down the aisle leading to a hallway.

Raymond trailed the mystery man into the hallway - leading to the restroom. He had pretty dark hair too. Wearing a black T-shirt with blue pants.

Good job Tyler.

Raymond hid behind a wall when the supposed man turned back. Maybe he heard footsteps. Raymond hid behind the wall for a few seconds, different thoughts grazing through his mind. And the sound of distorted music playing in the background.

A door was banged and Raymond peeped from his hiding place. The man had entered one of the restrooms, and an empty hallway welcomed Raymond's sight.

"Fuck" Raymond cursed under his breath.

The target must be behind one of those doors. But the hard part is finding which of them. Raymond stared angrily at the long row of doors until a thought flew into his mind.

John Marvin was depicted as a proud and arrogant man. And there's this me-first inclination that's etched in the hearts of proud individuals. They'll always want to have the first of everything - anytime, anywhere. Raymond tiptoed to the first door, as his instincts swung into action. He banged his leg on the door. The wooden door collapsed like a sack of potatoes, revealing its occupant - the mystery man with Tyler's description.

"Who. Are. Y...." Raymond landed a jab on his face before he could ask the question. He fell to the side of the bathroom, back - on the floor, with blood oozing from his mouth.

Raymond pulled out his gun, pointing its barrel to his target's face.

"Who are you?" The man groaned in pain, trying to get back on his feet.

"Shut up" Raymond yelled. "Now get up"

Raymond gripped him by the arm and pulled him up. He looked away for a second, trying to push the broken door to the side. But a sharp object pierced into his arm. Before he could process was what happening a blow had been attached to his face. He dangled to the floor, his gun fell from his grip.

His target had stabbed him with a knife.

His view darkened and a well-lit-up bathroom looked like a haunted cave, with the shadow of a ghost.

"Don't move" the man shouted.

Raymond opened his eyes to see him pointing a gun at him. The white floor had Raymond's blood adorning it in driblets.

"Who are you? Why did you follow me?"

Raymond replied with a groan.

He stared at the man with eyes sucked in fury. Suddenly a smile appeared on his face. The man stood still, stunned at Raymond's sudden laughter.

Amidst his pain, Raymond sprang up swiftly - catching his target unawares. The gun fell out of his grip and Raymond pushed him to the wall and slammed his head over it.

The target elbowed Raymond and he staggered backwards towards the sink. Blood trickled down his face. He gritted his blood-stained teeth. He ambled towards Raymond, but Raymond attacked with a punch.

The target slid, but Raymond grabbed him by the neck before he could land on the floor. He slammed his head over the sink, and it broke into fragments.

A pool of blood and a drizzle of water formed close to Raymond's feet with his target lying lifeless on the floor.

Raymond staggered backward. He tightened his jaw, eyes shut and he pulled out the knife in his arm. He groaned as the knife fell on the floor. His breath quickened as he stared at the dead man in disbelief. This wasn't the plan. He was meant to kill JM after the transfer had been made. It all got messy.

Raymond's phone rang. He picked up and Tyler's voice blared into his ears "Ray... You had the wrong target"

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