Chapter Two (002)

"Yet again, another murder has been reported. The Secretary For Education, Michael Harvard has been found dead in his apartment. The sad incident was said to have happened at around 2 am this morning. The police swung into action immediately, and according to their reports, his sudden death is linked to an attack by a notorious gang known as TRYSIS"

It is a secret gang led by Al Albert - the most wanted criminal in the last three years. No evidential trace was found at the crime scene, except a bullet with a '002' inscription. Investigations are still ongoing about the secretary's death and more details will be revealed soon"

"Now to the concluding segment of the news. President Greg Williams has allocated the sum of 20 billion dollars to the secretary for Housing and Urban Development's office. According to the president, this was done in a quest to foster tourism in the country. The Secretary for Housing and Urban Development - John Marvin disclosed in an interview with the CALLY TIMES MAGAZINE that he'd do everything in his power to carry out the President's wish. He also stated how timely that allocation was and how effective it'll be in making the United States a country attractive to tourists.

This is all we have for you here at STAR TV. I'm your host - Benita Jackson. Good evening"


Dera let out a breath, she creased her eyebrows - eyes still fixed on the displaying TV. The dimly lit living room was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee, and the soft hum of the TV provided an eerie background noise. She snuggled close to the table, reaching for the remote, her hand brushing against the soft cushion. She hit the power button. Her head went back to its initial position - Raymond's lap. His hand was still wrapped around her waist, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin, sending cold shivers down her spine.

"I was watching that!" Raymond's voice echoed into her ears. Dera rolled over to meet him feigning a smirk, her eyes locked onto his. The funny look on his face made a giggle evade her lips.

"It was just some boring news. I get sick of it sometimes." she yawned, breaking eye contact.


Raymond's voice was laced with concern, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. Dera hesitated for a moment, her heart racing in her chest. The worried look on Raymond's face triggered her to finish the sentence.

"Because -" She hesitated for a moment. The worried look on Raymond's face triggered her to finish the sentence "I don't know."

"I'm behind the murder?" Raymond interrupted. "I'm sure you know that already. That's my job." he grinned, his hand slowly caressing Dera's hair.

Dera rolled over again, and the sheepish smile on Raymond's face made shrills of adrenaline run through her veins. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Yeah," she muttered coldly. "I know you killed him."

Dera clicked her tongue as she rose from Raymond's legs, keen to stride upstairs. Raymond grasped her by the arm before she took the second step. Goosebumps appeared on her skin and ecstatic sensations bubbled in her spine. Raymond's touch was like kryptonite, weakening her resolve and making her vulnerable.

She felt a strong urge to surrender to his grip and kiss him with a mix of apology and desperation. But the anger in her heart won't budge.

"You don't have to walk away," Raymond pulled her back on the sofa. Dera hesitated for a jiffy, but she gave in when his hands curled around her waist - giving him access to drag her back in - seamlessly.

"I'm sorry," he muttered into her ears as the whiff of her cologne raced into his nostrils.

Dera's heart palpitated. She's vulnerable whenever Raymond whispers sweet nothings into her ears, but at this point, she doesn't seem to budge.

Not when she's in love with a serial killer.

"Ray, what are you really sorry for?" A ball of fury clenched her throat and she shrugged off Raymond's arms - drifting to the side of the sofa.

The chandelier's light accentuated the worry lines on her face. "You're sorry for being a part of a mafia? Are you sorry for being a serial killer? Are you sorry that you're always in the headlines? Are you sorry that you don't care about how I feel or how scared it feels to lose you?" Dera yelled - eyes stung with tears.

Raymond tried to speak, but his voice caught in his throat, and only a tense rasp escaped. His fingers dug into his palms as he shifted back, his hair caressing the edges of the sofa.

The awkward stillness lasted for a minute. He raised his head to meet Dera's flitting gaze. He leaned close to her. "Dera, I didn't ask for this life. No one is happy being a murderer. But at the moment, this is how I earn a living. All the luxury and -"

"There you go again!" Dera cut in, stomping her hand on the seat. "You always say that crap. Babe, you're wealthy now! You've saved up enough money. We can elope to another country and start a new life. This thing you call a job makes me scared. I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you too, Dera," Raymond cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs tracing her cheekbones as he gazed into her eyes.

"I love you with all of me. What I do has nothing to do with us. I'm not doing it for the pleasure of it. I kill for every kid out there who has been stung by this evil society. I'm doing this to get back at these greedy folks who think they can keep extorting the less privileged." he said.

Dera rolled her eyes. "You've done enough of that Ray. You've got too much blood on your hands."

"Not innocent blood."

"That's not enough reason to kill!" Dera retorted. She pulled her face off his grasp and drifted away. "If you love me, more than the thrill you get from taking lives, you have to stop. Because I'm sick and tired of waking up to the reality that someday you'd be killed too." she screeched, crossing her arms over her chest as she gazed into nothing.

A sigh flew off Raymond's plum lips. "You don't have to say that babe. You know I love you and I can do anything to prove it. I - "

"You?" Dera interrupted, cackling sadly. "Then prove it to us," she muttered, placing a hand on her stomach.

Raymond crinkled his eyebrows - eyeballs widened in shock. "What do you mean us?" He asked as if his life depended on the answer to that question.

"You're gonna be a father Ray," Dera announced.

Raymond stepped back, trying to process what he just heard. For a second, he thought it was a dream, but clocks do not tick in dreams, right? Dera's stern look depicted reality.

"You're joking huh?"

"A baby is a huge responsibility, Ray. I'm not joking. I'm carrying our child, and I need you to be - "

Raymond sealed her lips with a kiss. Her eyeballs dilated in shock. That wasn't the reaction she expected. But that sudden kiss depicted the joy of a hurt but now-fulfilled man.

"You're pregnant? I love you so much. Thank you!" he pulled her into a tight embrace. They embraced for what felt like an eternity, until Raymond's phone beeped, a message.

"002. Your attention is needed right now"

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