"This cannot be right; it makes no sense at all." Braun Velcan finally muttered.

"What doesn't make sense?" Mr. Benney asked.

"This…him…how did he…I mean he is a loser…a nobody." Braun struggled to say.

"Just take a look at how he appeared, in soaked clothes, with a stained apron." Braun regarded Marvin with contempt.

"Mr Velcan, I would advise that you stop your disdainful tone towards Mr Marvin, because it would not take us anywhere and, it is bad for business."

"No, leave him him alone." Said Marvin. "Let him keep up his trash talk, he would still be the same person that is going to ask me how much I am willing to sell my shares." Marvin let out a soft chuckle.

Braun Velcan's face flushed with anger. He couldn't stand Marvin's arrogance.

With a clenched jaw, he glanced down at the tattoo on his left arm—a dark, swirling mark that glimmered with a faint blue light.

Slowly, he raised his arm, and the tattoo began to glow brighter, twisting like a live snake around his skin.

Time see
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