Author: Reliquence

chapter one; The shattered strength

In the dimly lit hospital room, the sterile scent mingled with fear as John lay motionless on the hospital bed, his once strong body now frail and fragile.

A few days ago, John was driving home from work when his car skidded off the road and hit a tree.

He suffered serious injuries, including a broken spine, and was rushed to hospital.

The accident left him crippled, confined to a hospital bed, and struggling to accept his new reality.

Sarah, his wife, sat beside him with a worried look on her face, her hand holding his limp fingers.

She glanced anxiously at the door, waiting for her father to arrive.

Anthony, a tall man with a stern face, entered the room, his eyes narrowing as he took in John’s broken form.

He had once loved John like a son, but now his expression showed only disappointment.

“Father, welcome,” Sarah acknowledged, her voice tense with apprehension.

“How is he?” he asked, his tone sharp.

“He’s stable,” Sarah replied, her voice strained.

John remained silent, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, struggling with his helplessness.

He needed a male nurse to take him to the toilet, a humiliating experience for a man who valued his independence.

Anthony cleared his throat, breaking the silence.

“Have you spoken to the doctors?” he asked, his tone brusque.

Sarah nodded, her eyes flickering with frustration. “Yes. They said it would be a long road to recovery.” Anthony’s face showed disapproval.

“I don’t understand how this could happen,” he murmured, his voice laced with disappointment.

“You’ve always been so driven, John. Now look at you.” John’s eyes flashed with anger, but he couldn’t answer.

Anthony’s words cut deep, echoing John’s fears. Was he still the man he had been? Could he still provide for his family? What would happen to the family business?

John's jaw clenched as he struggled to control his rising anger.

Sarah spoke up, her voice tinged with frustration.

“Dad, it was an accident. John didn’t mean to hurt himself.”

Anthony bristled, his pride wounded.

“Accident or not, John should have been more careful. “John’s hands clenched into fists as he fought to control his anger.

“I’ve had enough,” he declared, his voice shaking.

“I’m not going to let you stand here and judge me while I’m lying in this bed, helpless and broken.”

Anthony hesitated, his pride fighting with his desire to make amends.

Emily, John’s daughter, entered the room with worried eyes.

John’s daughter Emily entered the room, her eyes filled with worry, her bright smile faltering as she sensed the tension between her father and grandfather.

“Grandpa, please, not now! My father needs all the support and love he can get.”

Anthony’s expression turned cold. “Someone has to face reality.” John’s anger boiled over.

“That’s enough, Dad! I’m still here, still fighting! “Emily rushed to her father’s side, tears in her eyes.

“Dad, don’t listen to him. You’re strong. You’ll get through this.”

But Anthony’s words had already done their damage. John felt the weight of his new limitations.

He wouldn’t be the provider, the protector anymore.

He was broken and vulnerable, but he refused to be defeated.

With his family by his side, he would face the challenges ahead, determined to emerge stronger than ever.

As the argument escalated, Emily tried to intervene, but her grandfather’s harsh words only added to John’s frustration.

Finally, Anthony stormed out of the room, leaving John with his wife and daughter.

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