Author: Feyonce
Chapter 1

He jumps from tree to tree with extreme caution but precision and balance.While performing acrobatic moves like jumping off tree branches and sliding down sections of logs, he does not fall or slip.The boy soon lands on a thick branch-covered area, and something catches his attention.He sees a pretty young girl as he kneels down to get a closer look.The girl is being targeted by a group of four boys who appear to be older.The boy watches what's going on while hiding behind the leaves that provide cover.

The kids are concentrating on the girl without realizing they are being observed.The boy weaves his way through the leaves.He hears mostly insults directed at the girl in their conversations.She punches one of the boys in the face out of frustration and boredom.His nose starts to bleed.She is shoved by another boy in retaliation.The girl tumbles to the ground.She is kicked back down as she tries to get up.The girl is ready to weep.She clenches her fists, ready to defend herself, and her eyes well up with tears.She is forced to defend herself even though she is aware that doing so could result in harm.

The young boy makes a graceful leap from his cover and lands.He rushes over to help because his heart tells him to.

He has no idea he is moving toward them.He keeps moving forward.

This is what occurs when you refuse to pay us homage!Jesse, don't mess with us!In this game, we tell you what to do!”

The boy kicks her in the stomach.

"Let's get rid of her!"

Yes, kick her once more!

They all hear a yell of "Woo-Ahh-Tahh!" just as he is about to attempt another kick on Jesse.

The older boy, who almost hit Jesse, gets kicked in the face after leaping into the air and doing an air kick.Due to the impact's force, the attacker staggers several steps back and falls to the ground.He begins to cry as intense pain appears on his face.The remaining three boys notice that the newcomer has been posted in a fighting position and is prepared to defend the girl.He covers her by standing in front of her.

"You must pass through me if anyone else wants to hit her!"He screams.

The three bad boys return their gaze to their crying friend.What exactly took place recently?Did their friend get hurt by the young boy standing in front of them?

He is assaulted by the tallest boy.The enigmatic youngster waits for him to get closer before moving.

A powerful punch to the stomach and a kick to the side of his knee are delivered by the young boy when he steps in.The tall boy was then kicked in the balls.The boy falls to the ground and struggles to get up while holding his hands to his groin.


The young boy yells and kicks the opponent in the face once more.The tall boy has lost consciousness.

The remaining two boys want to get back at their friends who were hurt.Jesse is awestruck and inspired as he watches.

"You can't fight us both at the same time!"

The boys decide to attack him together despite their doubts and fear.He effortlessly blocks and responds to each of their attacks.

Being smaller has some benefits.The boys are unable to hit anything.He is not alarmed when he notices that they are getting more serious about attacking him.He thinks back to the lessons his master taught him while remaining calm. He remembered his training.

It appears that one of the boys is also skilled in martial arts.He attacks the newcomer in an effort to impress, but the younger boy wins out.The fact that he can kick so hard surprises the attacker.He quickly strikes one of the boys on the side of the knee and yells, "WAHH-TAHH!!!!" to end it.

The boy holds his knee in severe pain as he falls to the ground and makes a sickening cracking sound.

As he tries to grab the newcomer in a bear hug, the remaining bad boy behind him believes he can gain the upper hand, allowing the others to jump in and beat him up.

The newcomer immediately breaks free, using a grab-and-throw technique that sends the bad boy tumbling to the ground hard.The newcomer hits his opponent in the face with his foot, temporarily stuning the opponent.He believes that the troublesome group is declining.He gets up and tries to sneak up on the newcomer from behind the first bad boy he defeated.

He is surprised when Jesse punches him in the face with her own powerful punch.The boy's nose hurts badly once more.He lies in agony again on the ground.Jesse decides to exact revenge on herself.She continues to exact her vengeance until she is satisfied, punching him in the groin with a heavy kick.The unbearable pain causes the boy to start crying.

She kicks each of the other moaning boys in the groin as she moves toward them.

“That is for inappropriately touching me, pushing me, and referring to me as a slut and a tramp;likewise, for being complete losers!Never again dare you approach me!She speaks with serious intent.

Jesse grabs the newcomer by the hand and starts running with him to a different location.

She takes him somewhere only she knows about, now deep in the forest.She gives him a firm hug as they stop, wiping away her tears.

I apologize for crying, but I was hurt and believed they would not stop.She kisses him on the cheek and says, "Thank you so much for saving me."

"Jesse is my name;I'm twelve now.Who are you by name?The girl inquires.

Palmer Wesley, my name is Wesley.You can call me Wesley because I'm nine years old,” he responds.

He receives one more hug from Jesse.While she is firmly holding onto him, he can feel her shock and pain.They quickly release one another after inspecting one another from head to toe.

You don't seem strong enough to have killed those boys so easily, do you?What kind of fighting tactic did you employ?Jesse says, "I've never seen that fighting style before."

I've trained in a variety of styles, but Jeet Kune Do is my favorite.Are you alright?I could not allow them to continue to harm you.I was always taught by my master to respect all women.They did not respect you, according to Wesley.

"You look like someone from a manga or comic book?Can you instruct me in self-defense so that I can fight like you?I will never again want to lose to a troublesome boy.She exclaims, "I can't believe I used to like one of them."Jesse looks at Wesley while wiping away any remaining tears.They look each other in the eye.

He notices how beautiful she is.In her mind, she is developing a strong liking for him due to his coolness and for saving her life; Jesse finds him to be very cute for his age.regardless of his age.She fixes her summer dress while smiling at him and wiping off any dirt that is still on it.

I may be able to instruct you, but I am still in training.Wesley says, "Maybe I can talk to my master to see if he will let you train with us."

That sounds amazing!If you're new to Orallion Village, we can definitely train together most of the day if you live nearby, right?Jesse queries."Sorry, but I live high up in the mountains," he interrupts her.

Laughing at him, Jesse says, "Oh, so you are a mountain goat; I'm sorry;There is a saying that anyone who lives in the mountains is a mountain goat in Orallion Village.It is our jargon for referring to mountain people;because there are a lot of mountain goats that wander around and enter our village.

She forgot about her worries thanks to the joke.

Wesley declares, "There are no mountain goats where I live."The mountain goats are lower down, though I can make out eagles and hawks.I suppose we can now go talk to my master about training if you are interested.I hope you can handle the long ascent of the mountain.It is quicker to descend than to ascend.In the event that we begin training today, you might want to change into new clothes.

Great! Says Jesse.I own a lot of clothing.Begin by following me to my house!Just north of here is it.We must take a shortcut across the river, but we won't actually get wet.Wesley is with her.They leave and soon arrive at Orallion Village, a peaceful community with little crime.More of a place where people go to unwind and escape the city is Orallion Village.There are shops, a large lake, a river, a mountainside, and a forest called the Forest of Fairies that is far away.The mornings are cool and breezy, and the evenings are cool and sunny.

This community only has a small number of residents, who range in age from the elderly to younger generations.As she makes her way toward her house, Jesse continues to run.She enters when she opens the door.By the door, Wesley remains outside.She quickly returns to him after looking back to see where he is.

"Wesley, why haven't you come in?"She demands.

I wasn't invited in by you.He says with a shy tone, "I cannot enter your home without approval from someone in authority."

"Did your master also instruct you on this?"She demands.

"Yes, I have been trained in the ways that Good Knights train.The finest gentlemanly arts,” he declares.

Wow, are you really that mysterious?What else are you aware of?Anyway, please come with me and act like a kid.Since only my mother and I are in charge, I am the only other person here.Don't worry, I always allow friends in,” Jesse asserts.

They enter a spacious living room.He sees a lovely woman seated on an elegant sofa in a pretty summertime pink dress.He recognizes the striking resemblance between mother and daughter and is taken aback by her beauty.

Hello, Wesley! How are you doing?You must be wondering how I found your name.the woman declares.

Wow, sure!I apologize.Hello!Yes, I am Wesley, as you are aware.In a small bow, he says, "Pleased to meet you, my lady."

What makes her aware of his name?

He adores her gown.She has gorgeous long, dark-brown hair, a lovely face, a great body, big breasts, and a beautiful body.She has smooth, white skin.He is most captivated by her green eyes.He also likes Jesse because of his green eyes.He associates them with cat eyes.

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