chapter forty two

Clara knocked her arrow and shot one of the men down. "Did you see that?" Zack shouted with surprise. "She didn't even knock an arrow." He shouted with a frightened look on his face. "Do you think I care? They just knocked down one of my men, and all you could do is stand there and watch." Barnet shouted

" Attack!" He shouted at his men, and they ran forward with their guns in the air. "Hold! Hold!!" Ethan shouted as the men looked at his forehead orders.

Barnet's men ran forward, and Ethan shouted, "Loose."

Arrows were seen flying in the sky as Barnet's men fell down one by one as they were struck by the arrows. They began to fire at Ethan and his men too, but they were saved by the tall walls and the barricades they had right in front of him.

The battle was heated as both sides began to lose more men to the battle. Bullet was flying around, and arrows were also flying in different directions. Suddenly, Rachel was hit by a bullet and she fell down. "Go down and join Johnny. You wi
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