chapter thirty eight
Ethan's head throbbed as the serum pulsed through his veins. His vision wavered between the blurry figures of Jared and the bright lights above. He clenched his teeth, determined not to show any more weakness. He couldn’t let them break him. Not now, not ever.

“Enough of this,” Jared barked, pacing in front of Ethan. The commander’s voice dripped with frustration. “You’re playing a game you can’t win, Ethan. We will find Doctor Whitmore, with or without your help. But it would be easier if you cooperated.”

Ethan forced a smile, his vision gradually clearing. “You underestimate me, Jared. You think you can just poke around in my brain and find out what you want. But you don’t know what’s inside here.” He tapped his temple with a finger, the motion sluggish. “I’m not some ordinary human. Your little mind tricks won’t work on me.”

Jared’s jaw tightened. “We’ll see about that.” He nodded to the elderly man with the spectacles. “Increase the serum dose. Let’s see how much this guy can
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