All Chapters of THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
45 chapters
chapter one
Outbreak Ethan Harris gazed out at the cityscape, his eyes scanning the rooftops and skyscrapers of New Haven. As a former Army Ranger, he had seen his fair share of combat and chaos, but nothing could have prepared him for this. The streets were empty, the only sound the distant hum of sirens and the occasional gunshot. He was lost in in own thoughts and wondered how the city he had grown up in happens to be deserted. It started with rumors of a mysterious virus, one that changes the dead and turned them into mindless, flesh-eating monsters. Ethan had thought it as mere hysteria, but now he wasn't so sure. The news reports had been sparse, but the few images he had seen showed a city in ruins, the dead roaming the streets, and the living fighting for their lives. Ethan's phone buzzed, breaking the silence. He answered, hoping for news from his sister, Rachel, who worked at the local hospital. Instead, it was his old Army buddy, Marcus. "Hey, man, you need to get out of there
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chapter two
Ethan blinked, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He was no longer in the dark, oppressive alleyway, but instead stood in a brightly lit room with clean white walls and a high ceiling. The air felt sterile, and there was an unfamiliar hum of technology around him. He looked down and saw that Sarah was still with him, equally bewildered. He looked around and saw he was in a more serene environment "Where are we?" Sarah asked, her voice echoing slightly in the empty space. Before Ethan could respond, a holographic screen appeared in front of them, flickering to life. A calm, synthetic voice spoke. [ SYSTEM MESSAGE : Welcome, Ethan Harris. You have activated the Zombie System. This system is designed to provide strategic assistance and resources to help you in this event of a catastrophic outbreak. Please remain calm as we process your request. ] " Are you seeing this?" Ethan looked at Sarah who didn't understand a thing he was saying. Ethan frowned, trying to grasp t
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chapter three
Ethan opened his eyes and saw Sarah was tied down beside him. He looked at her forehead and saw it was bruised. Ethan tried to speak but the cloth they had used to have his mouth was making it impossible. He looked trying to find out where they are but the darkness was so thick that a knife could prove through it. He looked forward and saw a burning fire in his front. Ethan was freezing and the wound on his head was making his vision a little hazy. " Can you please get him some water?" Sarah shouted at the men who were seated beside the fire. " Look who is up. Soldier boy." one of the men said while the other laughed. Ethan. was putting on an soldier uniform showing he had served in the army before the chaos. He was now old but he could still take a few men down if he had wanted too. His uniform was tattered and worn, but the insignia on his shoulder revealed his rank and years of service. The scars on his face and the weary look in his eyes told a story of their own - a st
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chapter four
Sarah's tears blurred her vision as she watched Ethan's eyes narrow and darken with the newfound resolve. He looked at her, his gaze piercing through the darkness, silently assuring her that he was not about to give up. The holographic message had given him hope, and with it, a plan started forming in his mind. "Alright, soldier boy," Darren sneered, moving closer. "What are you smiling about?" Darren asked Ethan looked at the Zombie he had earlier impaled and noticed it was still twitching Ethan's muscles tensed as he felt the system integrating with his thoughts, providing him with enhanced reflexes and strength. He had to time this perfectly. The men around the fire laughed and joked, oblivious to the storm brewing within Ethan. "Just thinking about old times," Ethan said, his voice calm and steady. "You know, Darren, for a second, I almost forgot about you. But then, something reminded me." Darren's eyes flickered with suspicion. "And what's that, soldier boy?" Ethan's sm
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chapter five
Ethan looked at Darren, whose face had been disfigured from the zombie bite. He was barely recognizable now, his skin gray and decaying, his eyes void of any humanity. Darren, or what was left of him, let out a guttural snarl and lunged at Ethan, who instinctively raised the compound bow, ready to defend himself. Sandra looked at Darren as he released her and plunged at Ethan. Ethan dodge him and looked at the bowed which was having no arrow to shoot with. Suddenly he had an instinct of drawing back the bow and a magic arrow came out of it. The arrow flew true, striking Darren in the chest. But instead of collapsing, Darren's body twitched violently and staggered forward. Ethan quickly nocked another arrow, his muscles burning with the effort, and aimed for Darren's head. The second shot found its mark, and Darren finally dropped to the ground, lifeless.Sandra stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock. "How is he still moving? The system said the mission was accomplished."Ethan shook h
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chapter six
Ethan looked around and he could see all sort of human bodies hanged up and down on a roll. Sandra looked at him and her face went pale. " Are they going to eat us?" She asked with her eyes watery. " I don't know Sandra. Look around you and tell me what you see." Ethan said slowly with his head bowed to the floor. He tried to look around but the place was dark. " I won't sweat that much if I were you." A voice said from behind them. " Who are you?" Sandra asked as she cried. " Did you see that? I bet you did. That was my daughter's head." The voice said shifting Ethan and Sandra's gaze towards the little light shwoing the abbatoir room ' What?" Sandra said slowly and began to unrinate on herself. " Yes, she was killed yesterday and featsed on." The voice said again echoing through the dark room " Is there a way out of here?" Ethan asked trying to see if there was. " My friend, We are all going to die. Don't you get it. It is only a matter of time before your head find it way into
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chapter seven
The soldier fell down from Ethan's grip and his face went pale. " Have him prep up and have that one locked aside. We are going to have him killed lastly." Derek pointed at Ethan Ethan was dragged away from Sandra as she clawed at him. " Stop!" Derek shouted seeing what was going on. " Is he your husband?" He looked at Sandra and then back at Ethan, who was now looking sacred. " No, no," Ethan shouted " Have her prepared. I want her heart served on my table tonight." Derek instructed and walked away. Sandra was pulled apart from Ethan. A picture fell from her clothes as they dragged her away. Ethan looked at Derek and his eyes showed he was going to have him killed. He looked at the lady who had her hand tied to the chair and still couldn't see her face. Ethan was thrown into a separate room and the door was locked. He looked around him and the loud snarl of the zombies was heard. His heart thud faster trying to see if he could see but he couldn't. " You don't need to be scared
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chapter eight
The sound of the gun and bulet flew across the room as Ethan and his friends tried to get out of the room. "Don't let them go!" Derek shouted at his men, but the horror going on inside the room was terrifying. Marcus and Ethan managed to clear a path as they ran out of the door. Marcus closed the door behind them, and the loud noise of screams and horror filled the room. Sometimes, the noise died down, and Marcus quickly went to have the rest of the prisoners relaesed.They gathered around and killed the rest of the soldiers. "I would burn that if I were you." A man said this, looking at Ethan. "Burn the corpse? Why?" Ethan asked, with his head carefully bandaged by Rachel. "Just do as he says." A woman replied The corpses were immediately torched. The zombies were all killed and burned. Ethan sat down and looked at Rachel. "I am sorry it took me a long time to finally come get you. I am sorry." He said it gently. Rachel said nothing but simply hugged him. Ethan looked up, and anoth
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chapter nine
Ethan shouted at the walkie-talkie he was holding. "Is anybody there? Marcus! Sandra! Can you hear me?" he shouted, hitting the table in frustration. "What the hell is going on?" Johnny looked at Ethan's face and didn't understand what was going on. "The zombies—did we burn them?" He asked, taking a part of the vile and strapping his back to his bag. "I don't think we did. We had them buried." Johnny replied "Then we are fucked." Ethan said this under his breath as he walked towards the exit. Johnny ran to his front and immediately blocked his path. "Are you trying to get us killed? I think you need to tell us anything if there is something wrong." He said, looking at but being thrown off by Ethan's reaction. Back in his youth, Ethan had always gone on solo operations. He was better, faster, and could concentrate when he was alone. He doesn't need the help of any teammate, and he has always done fine on his own. He drew Johnny towards him and looked into his eyes. "Did I ask you t
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chapter ten
Ethan walked up to the body parts right in front of him and almost hauled at the site of what he saw. "Can you think of anyone who would do this?" he asked, looking at Clara and back at Johnny. "I wish I knew, but right now, we are just as clueless as you are." Johnny replied "My family." Clara said it with a scared face as she ran towards her home. "Go; we don't know who else might be around." Ethan looked at Johnny, asking him to follow Clara. Johnny ran after Clara, who had her gun pointed in all directions as she walked. "What do you think happened?" Johnny's voice was in hush whispers as he moved closer to her. "I don't know. What did he tell you?" Clara lowered her gun a little, looking at Johnny, who was keeping his eyes open. "He didn't say much. I think he found out something at the hospital and radioed immediately, but no one was answering." Johnny replied The door creaked open, and they both fired a round at the door. Ethan heard the sound of a gunshot and immediately
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