chapter four

Sarah's tears blurred her vision as she watched Ethan's eyes narrow and darken with the newfound resolve. He looked at her, his gaze piercing through the darkness, silently assuring her that he was not about to give up. The holographic message had given him hope, and with it, a plan started forming in his mind.

"Alright, soldier boy," Darren sneered, moving closer. "What are you smiling about?" Darren asked

Ethan looked at the Zombie he had earlier impaled and noticed it was still twitching

Ethan's muscles tensed as he felt the system integrating with his thoughts, providing him with enhanced reflexes and strength. He had to time this perfectly. The men around the fire laughed and joked, oblivious to the storm brewing within Ethan.

"Just thinking about old times," Ethan said, his voice calm and steady. "You know, Darren, for a second, I almost forgot about you. But then, something reminded me."

Darren's eyes flickered with suspicion. "And what's that, soldier boy?"

Ethan's smile widened. "That you're still as predictable as ever." Ethan broke free from the rope binding him and Darrenaughed seeing Ethan running towards the dead zombie. The men laughed and wonder what Ethan was doing. Darren walked towards Ethan laughing ' What is this madness soldier boy. Are you dying to become one of them already. " He laughed and looked back at his friends who were equally taken back with Ethan's attitude. Before Darren could turn back, the Zombie plunged at him and but him on the neck. Ethan quickly untied Sandra and asked her to get behind him. " Get him!" Darren shouted at his men to have Ethan captured but he ran towards the cage and free the zombies. " Let's get out of here."

Ethan hold Sandra as the horror noise of Darren's men was heard through the dead night. Rhey horde of zombies was attracted to the noise as they moved towards the direction. Ethan and Sandra entered into one of the empty rooms and hid. The noise of bullets and gun sounds being fired into the night was visibly heard as Ethan and Sandra looked a round scared. The noise of the horde growing more louder. Sandra looked at Ethan who was bleeding from the cut Darren had inflicted on him earlier. " Are you alright?" She asked

' it is just a cut. I will be fine. How is your head?" Ethan pointed at her head. " I am fine." Sandra replied

She looked around the dark room and get Ethan a cup of water. " Looks like we are going to be here for the night.

Suddenly, Ethan had another headache and he winced in pain. Sandra saw he was going to attract the walkers and she quickly stood over him with her hand covering his mouth. The walkers immediately stopped snarling trying to listen to any noise. The muffled sound of Ethan was shut by Sandra's hands.

After what felt like forever the pain stopped and another holographic message poped in front of Ethan.



" Another system message,right?" Sandra asked seeing Ethan all sweaty. Before Ethan could reply, a compound bow materialised out of now where. " Can you use that?" Ethan asked seeing the shock in Sandra's eyes

' how" She asked looking at the life compound bow. Sandra picked it up and looked at it. She still didn't believe it. ' How do I get the arrows?" She asked looking at Ethan and noticed he was asleep. Sandra helped him get comfortable and slept beside him. The quiet sound of the morning woke Sandra up. She gently rubbed her eyes and peeped out of the room. What she saw amazed her. It was as if the walkers had gone into hiding. Sandra woke Ethan up. ' Get up, you need to see this." Sandra said with a smile and she ran towards the door. "what are you doing?" Ethan shouted knowing the walker would be around

But to his surprise, Sandra walked into the open and there was not a single walker outside. "How?"

Ethan asked staring at Sandra's eyes. " I don't know, I woke up and I noticed everywhere was awfully quiet." She said with a smile. Ethan sigh and bent his head down, he was having a severe head ache but the shriek sound coming from Sandra made him raise up his head but what he saw made him more surprised. " This is impossible." Ethan muttered to himself with the compound bow in his hand.

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