All Chapters of THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 chapters
chapter eleven
Ethan looked back behind him and saw the figure moving and getting closer. He immediately drew out his bow as the two men looked at him. He shot an invisible arrow to his disbelief, and it hit the zombie. The creature snarled on the floor as the men watched. "I am here to look for my sister and friend too. Who the hell are you guys?" Ethan asked, trying to come back to his senses. "I am here to find my wife." The man said it again, but with a soft voice this time around. "I am sure they must have been taken by someone or something," Ethan replied. The men looked at themselves, releasing Clara and Johnny. "What are you not telling us? If you know something, then you need to spill it. We don't know what is going on at the moment. One minute later, we were out to get some food supply as we could get back to this." The other men said it again."The zombies are now getting wise, I think." Ethan paused as he looked at the zombie he shot. He got back up to his feet. "That is impossible." Et
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chapter twelve
Johnny and Fred kept walking, trying to look for a clue that would tell them where their families had been taken too. They had seen that Derek and the rest of the soldiers had dug their way out of the ground. "What exactly are we looking for?" Johnny looked at Fred. "We need to find anything that would tell us what really happened here." Fred replied "Do you think the zombie did this?" Johnny said, looking a little bit taken back. "I don't know, kid." Fred scratched his head, trying to think of something. They were about to walk back to meet Ethan and Clara when they heard a squeak at the door. "Sh..shh...hh." Fred looked at Johny. Both of them immediately went under the table and stayed quiet. The loud snarl of the zombie could be heard as it tried to find its way out of the room. Suddenly, it made a snarl, and she walked out of the room. "We need to follow it." Fred said, looking at Johnny. "What do you mean, follow it? Are you seriously thinking about killing yourself?" Johnny
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chapter thirteen
Ethan looked towards the door and back at Clara and Johnny, who were scared out of their wits. "You both need to be ready for anything that comes through that door." He said, rolling up his long sleeve. Johnny brought out the pistol in his pocket and checked to see how many rounds he was having. "Do you have anything to defend yourself with?" Ethan looked back to see Clara, who was still shaken by everything that was happening. The loud bang continued, but Ethan wasn't fazed. He was a soldier, and he had seen the worst. He walked to Clara and shook her violently. "If what comes through that door meets you cowering like this, you are dead. Do you want to see your sister again?" He asked, staring at her blue face. Clara nodded, and her hands were a little slippery from the sweat her palms were secreting. "Okay, good. Then you need to fight. That is the only way we are going to get out of here alive. Am I clear on that?" He shouted at Johnny. "And you, make that count." He pointed at
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chapter fourteen
"We can't just leave him and run." Clara said she was not wanting to get into the van. "We are going to come back for him. You heard him when he asked us to go!" Johnny shouted at her and pushed her into the van. The van drove off as the snarl of the zombies got louder. Ethan looked down and saw they had left. He carefully stood up and looked at Darren. "I am going to kill you again, and this time you are going to stay dead." He said it with anger. "I will like to see you try." Darren said with a snarl. The two engaged in a fight, Ethan tried with all his might trying to fight for his life but Darren was stronger, faster and more deadly than Ethan was. He was no longer the weak soldier Ethan knew him to be As they fought, Ethan remembered that the system had told him his blood was the key to stopping the virus, but he doesn't know how. The sky lit up with a flare all of a sudden, making the zombies all gaze up into the sky. Ethan quickly used that opportunity to grip Darren. He trie
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chapter fifteen
Johnny looked at Clara and back at Ben. "I think he is bitten." He finally said that, looking at Ethan. "I will be fine. Just get me inside." Ethan said, slowly feeling his whole body on fire. Ben looked at Johnny and said, "WWhy the fuck are you staring at me, dude?""You heard the man; he just said we should get him inside the mall." Johnny said again, repeating what Ethan said. Clara stood watch as she looked towards the main street. Everywhere looks deserted. Ethan pushed the door open, and the rays of the sunlight burned his retina. "Fuck you both!" he muttered as he managed to walk inside. Clara followed behind, making sure the door was carefully locked. "Grab whatever you will need. We leave in five." Ethan commanded "What do you mean we leave in five? I don't think you are in any position to tell us what to do. It is only a matter of time before we put a bullet in your skull." Ben said it nonchalantly. Johnny didn't say anything; he immediately grabbed a trolley and moved
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chapter sixteen
Clara peered and saw who it was. She froze, and her hands began to tremble. "Is that the same guy? The one you ran away from?" Ben asked, looking scared too. "Shh, keep your voice down. If we are caught, then we are definitely going to die." Johnny said, looking scared. Darren's feet echoed as he snarled and walked, trying to find out where they really were. "We need to leave here." Ben managed to say it while keeping his voice low. "What about Ethan? We can't just leave him here and go by ourselves." What about him? Don't you get it yet? He is now a zombie. He is one of those things and not one of us anymore. Do you honestly think he wouldn't attack us if he became a zombie?" Ben said he was frustrated. Johnny looked right behind him and saw Darren looking at them with blood dripping down from his mouth, like he just had a fresh kill. Johnny froze for a few minutes as he locked eyes with the flesh-eating monster. He couldn't say anything but stare at Darren. Clara noticed he was
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chapter seventeen
"Rachel, don't sleep. We need to leave here. We both know the only reason Derek is keeping us alive is to make your brother come here and rescue you. We need to find a way out ourselves." Mark spoke slowly, his eyes darting around the room. Their number was dwindling by the day, with the zombie soldiers coming day and night for their meals. "What do we do? There is literally nothing wrong we can do from here." Rachel replied, getting tired. They haven't been well fed in days, and it was zapping them off energy. Some of the captives were lying tired on the ground, and they didn't have the strength to fend off the zombie soldiers when they came for them. "We both know Derek liked you when he was still human, and I am sure some part of him still feels the same." Mark said, slowly looking at her face. " What? What are you really asking of me?" Rachel asked, not getting Mark's point. "What I meant was that maybe you could get close enough to kill him. We could escape if Detek is dead."
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chapter eighteen
Ethan rose up, and his eyes darted around. The bullet fell off his head, and he felt something in his system. He felt powerful and light-headed. Ethan heard Clara's noise and rushed towards where the noise was coming from. He flung Darren against the iron door, and he landed hard on the floor. "What just happened?" Johnny asked, looking at Ethan, who was also staring at his hand. "Yes, you just tossed him like he was nothing. What the hell happened to you?" Johnny said, looking at him. "I don't know; there is no time to explain. Take Clara and wait for me outside. It is time to settle some old scores." Ethan said it with anger. Johnny took Clara by the arm and knocked her out of the place. Darren's bone cracked as he got up from the ground. He looked at Ethan and noticed there was life in him. "How did you do that?" He asked, looking at Ethan from a distance. "Do what? You honestly think you can kill me? I am no match for you, and it is high time you give up." Ethan said with a smir
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chapter nineteen
Ethan's eyes glowed as he saw a map and a beeping red dot right in front of him. He drove faster each time he saw flashes of what had been done to Mark and Rachel."Do you think I will ever love you? Take a look at yourself, and you will see that you are nothing but a flesh-eating monster." Rachel shouted at Derek, who was seated across the table, eating. Derek dropped the bone he was holding and looked at Rachel. "Bring her closer." He beckoned to one of the men who was closer to her."DDo you know I haven't killed you yet?" He flashed his eyes, looking at Mark, who was shivering, seeing the skulls of many known faces. Some of them were rotting, while others snarled at his face. They had some of their body parts cut off. Mostly eaten as Mark looked at the meat Derek was eating. "I don't need to know a reason why you haven't killed me. You should know how much I loathe you by now." Rachel barked "Do I need to make myself clearer than this?" Derek looked at the soldiers, and they imm
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chapter twenty
Rachel laid on the bed with her hands tied together. She was feeling more angry than ever, but she knew too well. She cannot overpower Derek. She couldn't when he was human, but now that he was a super zombie soldier, it was going to be more difficult. She remembered how Mark's head had rolled to her feet and the look of horror he had on his face. Tears now glowed freely, and she felt Mark had died due to her inability to accept what Derek said. The door opened, and Derek walked in. "Don't tell me you are still crying over that little scene back there. "His death was on you anyway," Derek said, taking off his clothes. He looked at Rachel, who was now in her undies and pants. He bit his lower lips, even making Rachel shriek. "Don't worry, once I plant my little babies inside of you, then you won't hate me anymore." "Please, I don't want this. Can you just let me be your servant? I will work out my days trying to please you." Rachel was pleased, with tears streaming down her face. "
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