All Chapters of THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 chapters
chapter twenty one
"Fan out! Make sure you bring them before me!" Derek shouted at his men, who were shaking already. Most of them know how he can be. Derek was a man of action; he was talkless. "Make sure you turn the whole place. They must be here somewhere." Thomas commanded Thomas was just like Derek himself, but both were of different characters. While Derek was a man of action, Thomas was a man of principle and wouldn't tolerate a job not well done. The men immediately fanned out and started to search. Clara walked past the dimly lit lamps, and each time she hid away to avoid being seen. "Celine!" She calls her sister's name gently each time the door creaks open. Johnny, on the other hand, went from room to room, but most were empty. He wonders why there were so many rooms when they weren't used. Suddenly, he heard a snarl and immediately hid in the shadow. "Do you think the community is infiltrated?" One of the men asked as they walked past Johnny. "I don't know; we all heard the blast." The
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chapter twenty two
"Help! Somebody help me!" Rachel shouted, hoping someone could hear her voice and come to her aid. She twitched on the bed several times, trying to break free from the rope she was tied to. The door opened slowly, and Derek walked in. "Why are you shouting? Do you think anyone would be able to save you?" He said he was taking off his shirt. Rachel opened her eyes in horror; this was it. She was going to be raped against her will, and not only that, she was going to bear the son or daughter of a zombie. The thought terrified her, and she shouted even more. Derek walked to the bed and landed a heavy slap on her face. He was having an off night. "You do know you don't need to be human before I have my way with you," he said, slowly unbuckling his belt. "I want a human to mother my children, and you are the one that I have chosen. You should be happy to be the first human to mother a superhuman zombie." Derek chuckled as he licked Rachel's face. Rachel closed her eyes and felt like vo
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chapter twenty three
Ethan looked up, and he stood up slowly from Derek. "Get Clara out of here." He ordered, looking at Rachel. "I am now leaving you." Rachel said she looked a bit scared. " Now!" Ethan shouted, and his eyes changed colors. Rachel felt scared; she had never seen that color of his eye before. "Do you think they can get away from here? Run away from my armies. You don't want to know what I am capable of?" Derek said he was getting up to his feet. "Get him!" The two zombies ran towards Ethan; they both grabbed him and tossed him out of the window. Rachel and Clara took to their heels when they saw what was going on. "He can take care of himself." Clara said, looking at Rachel, who was stopping each time to take a look at her brother.Ethan growled softly, his skin tearing from the graze of the glasses he crashed into. Blood flowed from the wound as he got up to look at the two zombies.Ethan's eyes blazed with fierce intensity as he gazed at the two zombies. His wounds seemed to fuel his
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chapter twenty four
Ethan asked Johnny to release all the hostages and have them lined up outside. He looked at the cages of the gone-rogue humans who had been bitten by Derek. It was obvious there was something wrong with them. "What do we do about them?" Clara asked "We burned them alive." Ethan replied coldly and walked away.Rachel looked at him and wondered what had changed about the brother he once loved. Grabbing a tourch and a gasoline can, Ethan poured it over the cages and threw the torch at them. The loud snarl of the zombies was heard as they burned. Ethan walked out to meet some of the men and women waiting for him. "They all looked tired and hungry. What do we do?" Johnny asked "What do you mean by that? I am not responsible for every man and woman right here. They are all free to make their own decisions. They either stay or leave." Ethan said it with a sad face. He still couldn't forgive himself for the death of his best friend, Mark. The people looked at him as he walked away. "You
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chapter twenty five
"Did you hear that?" Rachel looked at Ethan, and they both ran towards the camp. "What is happening?* Ethan asked with a cloth over his face. "She is about to give birth." Clara said, pointing at the woman in labor. "Is there a doctor in the house?" Ethan shouted, and everyone looked at him. They wondered why he was trying to help when all he wanted was to be left alone. "Is there a doctor in the house?" He shouted again. A man walked forward. "Yes, I am a doctor, Kennedy. Please, let me take a look at her." He said he was slowly accessing the situation. "I am sorry, but we need a serene atmosphere, and I need equipment to work with." Kennedy looked at Ethan." What? This is a soldier's barrack and not a hospital. Can't you make do with anything?" Ethan asked "I am sorry, Mr. Ethan, but it doesn't work that way. I need a clean environment to work in, and again, everyone needs to stay clear. We don't know who is infected with bacteria or is having the bite." Ethan looked at the wom
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chapter twenty six
Ethan’s head pounded as the message blinked in his mind. **Save the female doctor.** His vision cleared just enough to see the young woman trembling, clearly terrified of the gang leader’s next move. Ethan pressed himself against the wall, straining to listen. He needed to understand what they were looking for and how to get the doctor out safely.The leader's voice cut through the silence. “You’ve got one chance to tell me what you know,” he growled at the female doctor. “This place was a research facility before everything went to hell. What were they working on here?”The young woman, wearing a white lab coat stained with blood, stammered, “I-I don’t know… I was just a lab assistant. They didn’t tell me everything—only the top scientists knew the full details.”The leader slammed his fist against a metal table, making a loud clanging noise that echoed through the empty halls. “Don’t lie to me! You were working here; you must know something!”Ethan watched as the doctor’s eyes darte
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Chapter twenty seven
Ethan held onto Doctor Whitmore's hand as they raced through the forest. "Where are you taking me?" She shouted, trying to disengage her hands from Ethan. She noticed he was stronger and faster than she was. "Wait..let me..let me catch my breath." She said she was slowing down. The sound of the chopper could be heard over and over as the light flashed into the forest. The snarls of some zombies nearby were heard too. "We need to leave here. It is not safe. At least, for you." Ethan looked around the woods. "I am sure we are being chased by the leader of the gang. You need to save her. She would die if you didn't help me." Ethan looked at her. "I am confused. What is your name, and who are you talking about?" Whitmore asked again. Her lab clothes showed she had been tired and worn out from their present condition. "WWe saved a community, and there is a pregnant woman that needs your attention. She would die if you didn't help her." Ethan replied. "I managed to grab some of the too
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chapter twenty eight
Ethan staggered back, holding his head as the sudden pain surged through him. The voices around him became muffled and distant, as if they were coming from underwater. He could barely make out Kennedy’s concerned voice or Rachel’s frantic questions. The message in his mind burned bright, demanding his attention, and he stumbled away from the others, trying to gain his bearings.Kennedy noticed Ethan’s distress and quickly moved to his side. “Ethan, what’s going on? Are you okay?” He asked, placing a hand on Ethan’s shoulder.Ethan’s vision blurred, and he saw flashes of unfamiliar faces and places. His breathing was shallow and labored, and he struggled to form coherent words. "The system..."” he muttered, trying to make sense of the chaos in his mind. “Mission...completed…”Doctor Whitmore stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. “What do you mean,'system’? Ethan, what’s happening to you?”Ethan shook his head, trying to clear it. “I don’t know. Something’s controlling me. It’s like I'm..
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chapter twenty nine
Many of them looked at Ethan; they were all expecting him to remove the veil he had covering his face. Ethan looked around, and the looks on their faces showed they were not ready to see what he had to show them, but he needed to be accepted; he needed to know he wouldn't hurt any of them. Ethan slowly removed the cloth he had covering his face, and they all gasped. "What the hell are you?" One of the people shouted, and they moved back in honor of him. Ethan was different from Derek and his zombie soldiers. His face was exceptionally whitish, and he was looking more human. His eyes were blue, also showing he was more of a zombie than human.As the crowd gasped and stepped back, Ethan's heart sank. He had been afraid of this reaction. He looked at them with his piercing blue eyes, hoping to convey that he meant no harm."I'm still the same person," Ethan said, his voice calm and gentle. "I'm still the one who's been helping you and protecting you. My appearance may be different, but
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chapter thirty
Ethan's mind raced as he felt the warmth of Doctor Whitmore's lips against his. Her kiss was soft yet desperate, like she was trying to convey all the emotions she couldn’t express in words. For a moment, Ethan allowed himself to get lost in that touch, in the idea that maybe, just maybe, someone could accept him for who he had become. But then the reality of their situation crashed back down on him.Ethan gently pulled away from the kiss, his blue eyes searching Whitmore's face. "Why are you doing this?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion. "Why do you care if I stay or go? The rest of them want me out. Even Rachel can't look at me. You should hate me too."Doctor Whitmore took a step back, her eyes flickering with something Ethan couldn't quite place—hope, maybe, or determination. "I don’t hate you, Ethan," she said softly. "I can't speak for the others, but I've seen what you're capable of. I've seen you fight for this community, save people when no one else could. I don't kn
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