All Chapters of THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 chapters
chapter thirty one
Ethan tried to look around, but he was blindfolded and gagged. He heard footsteps walking towards him, and the blindfold was slowly removed from his eyes. Ethan raised his head a bit, but the light that was shown in his face was blocking his eyes sight. "Who are you?" Ethan Daughter is facing the fire, standing at the back of the light shining at his face. "Who am I? I should ask, What are you? And what is your relationship with the doctor? Give her to me, and you are free to go." The voice behind the light said it again. "And why would I do that? You have what you want, didn't you?" Ethan shouted back, trying to cover his eyes, but his hands were tied down."I won't ask again; if you know what is good for you, then you are going to be a good boy and tell me what I need to know. She only has knowledge about making the cure, and not only that, she could make us all powerful. Think about it; we don't need to hide anymore. We could move freely without being scared of being eaten or sta
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chapter thirty two
"Go and check him out." Barnet ordered his heart to thud within his chest. "Why don't you go? Must I always do your bidding? Don't forget, we are both partners in all of this." Zack shouted back at him, clenching his fist in anger. "This was my idea, not yours. I knew about the vaccine. So don't you try and tell me otherwise." Barnet looked at Zack. " Fine!" Zack shouted, walking closer to the door. He dipped his hands into his leather jacket and brought out his gun. With a drop of sweat coming down from his face, he opened the door, and Ethan rushed at him. He was fast and vicious. Zack let out a cry of anguish as Ethan's nails were ducking into his skin. Barnet rushed towards the noise and was surprised at what he saw. Ethan's face was vicious, and he had Zack pinned to the floor. He shot a few rounds at Ethan, and he fell to the ground, knocked out once again. Ethan laid cold on the floor as Zack got up injured. "Fucking bastard!" he cursed under his breath. Zack touched his f
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chapter thirty three
"Johnny, once you leave now, please don't bother coming back." Kennedy said, looking at him as he was about to walk out of the main gate. "So, you think sending him out of the community is the best thing to do?" Johnny took a pause and looked at Kennedy. "Do you know what would have happened to you if we hadn't shown you in time? You lots would have been dead, meals and snacks for Derek and his men's. I wonder how quickly you forgot all about that. Are you coming?" He looked at Clara, who wasn't sure of what to do. Clara looked at Rachel and said, "HHow could you do this? He is your brother, isn't he?" She asked "He is no brother of mine. He is now a zombie, and god knows what he would do if he turned on us all." Rachel said coldly Clara couldn't believe her ears. "Did you just call him a zombie? Do you know what he had to go through to get to you?" "I can't believe this." Johnny said it with a smirk. "I hope you are safe without him because I know you won't last without someone t
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chapter thirty four
" Slowly turn back with your hands over your head." The voice said again. " Nice and slow." The husky voice repeated. 'Ah,ah. I won't try that if I were you." He said again noticing that Johhny was trying to reach for something in his pocket. " We are just trying to pass the nice here and leave very early tomorrow. We are not going to harm you." Johnny said slowly turning to face the man Clara turned and saw the look on his face. " We promise, we are not here to hurt you." " Give me a reason why I shouldn't throw you back to them? Are you bitting and how do i know you won't harm me and my family?" The man asked again looking at Johnny and Clara with a gun pointed at them " We are looking for a friend of ours. He was sent out of our community. We need to find him, can we please pass the night here?"The man looked at his wife and the little kid she was holding and back at Johnny and Clara. " You both are taking the couch and you are dropping everything you are having on you." "
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chapter thirty five
The loud bang at the door woke Johnny up. He slowly went to Clara's side and covered her mouth. "" He looked into her face. Stephen walked out with a gun in his hands. "You need to live here right now," Johnny said silently. The loud bang continued. Stephen walked closer to the window and saw a horde right in front of his door. Maria walked into their midst, rubbing her two eyes, but the loud noise coming from the door made her stop abruptly. "Get Fred. We are leaving here right now!" The loud bang continued as Johnny and Clara packed their things. "My gun!" Johnny shouted as Stephen threw the shotgun to him."Take the back. We are going to slow them down." Stephen looked at Maria, whose face was scared. "I am not leaving without you." She said she was holding Frederick, who was also looking scared. "Don't worry, I will protect them." Clara looked at Stephen, and he nodded. Clara and Maria rushed through the back door. While Johhny pushed a chair to the back door, The l
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chapter thirty six
The tension in the air was palpable as Ethan stood before the towering iron gates, his heart thudding in his chest like a war drum. Two guards, bulky and menacing, blocked his path. They stared at him, suspicious eyes narrowing beneath their helmets. Ethan knew that if he made one wrong move, his escape would be over before it began. "I'm heading out on patrol," Ethan said, forcing a casual tone. He tried to recall the mannerisms of the guards he'd seen while sneaking through the base. He hoped his new attire would help him blend in. The guard closest to him spat on the ground, his eyes still fixed on Ethan. "Since when did rookies start going out on patrol alone?" Ethan's mind raced. He needed to think fast. "Barnet's orders," he replied, naming the name of thier leader. "Said I should check the perimeter. Something about scouting for new threats." The second guard grunted, clearly not buying it. "Barnet’s orders, huh? Maybe I should just check with him." He turned slightly
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chapter thirty seven
As Zack walked towards Ethan's room with the hope of taunting their captive, he met the door ajar, and his face went pale. He looked at his men, and they were on the floor, sprawling around. "What the hell?! Don't tell me you let him go!" Zack shouted at the men. He noticed one was not moving on the ground, and the other was barely able to breathe. "Explain what happened, or I swear to God you will be hanged." "He broke loose and jumped at us immediately as we entered the room. He was stronger than any human possible." The guard said he was holding his head. "Find him; he can't have gotten far. Find him as being him back." The men were about to race when Barnet walked in. "Hmm, why do we need to run after him when we can just attack his community? I bet that is where he would be going too. Load the tank and grab every piece of ammunition that you can get." An emergency alarm rang, and every man and woman swung into action, each taking their guns and getting ready for battle.
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chapter thirty eight
Ethan's head throbbed as the serum pulsed through his veins. His vision wavered between the blurry figures of Jared and the bright lights above. He clenched his teeth, determined not to show any more weakness. He couldn’t let them break him. Not now, not ever. “Enough of this,” Jared barked, pacing in front of Ethan. The commander’s voice dripped with frustration. “You’re playing a game you can’t win, Ethan. We will find Doctor Whitmore, with or without your help. But it would be easier if you cooperated.” Ethan forced a smile, his vision gradually clearing. “You underestimate me, Jared. You think you can just poke around in my brain and find out what you want. But you don’t know what’s inside here.” He tapped his temple with a finger, the motion sluggish. “I’m not some ordinary human. Your little mind tricks won’t work on me.” Jared’s jaw tightened. “We’ll see about that.” He nodded to the elderly man with the spectacles. “Increase the serum dose. Let’s see how much this guy can
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chapter thirty nine
Johnny and Clara kept walking for a long time, not sure of where they were headed. "I don't think we are going to find Ethan at this rate. Why don't we just turn back and head back to the camp?" Clara looked at Johnny's face. "You are right; I just don't understand how Rachel would be cool with any of this. He is her brother no matter what he becomes." Johnny said it with a sigh. "I guess some blood is not thicker than water." Clara looked at his face. "I guess not." The two turned back and began their walk back to the community. It was going to be a long walk, but they have themselves. Meanwhile, Ethan was able to run away from the soldiers after fleeing from Barnet and Zack. He was now a fugitive who was wanted by both parties for the same reason. Little did they know that Dr. Whitmore wasn't what they needed. Ethan. settled down on a green lawn right before him. The sun was shinning right about his head as each drop of sweat dropped from his chin into the ground benea
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chapter forty
Ethan pushed the gate with all his strength since I wouldn't allow him in. The soldier tried to shoot at him, but he managed to dodge the bullets. Many of the community members came outside to witness what was happening. "What is the meaning of this madness?" Kennedy shouted as he walked out into the main street. "Cease fire!" He shouted at the men. "You need to be ready. They are coming." Ethan shouted as everyone looked at him like a deranged man. "Don't you hear me? I said they were coming." He repeated himself. "And who are they?" Kennedy looked at his face, trying to make a fool out of him.Doctor Whitmore walked through the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening. She stood transfixed when she saw Ethan. Her heart is beating gently against her rib cage. "You are back." She said it softly as she ran forward to hug him. Many people were surprised and wondered how she could feel free around the monster. "If you are not going to believe me, you need to at least fort
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