All Chapters of THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK : Chapter 41 - Chapter 47
47 chapters
chapter forty one
"I am not sure, Ethan. My superior had always done things behind my back, giving me little or no room to experiment at all. I was only called on to clean or pack up once they are done." Whitmore looked at Ethan in the eye. "So how did you know all of this stuff you are talking about? Did you read them in some books or what?""You ask so many questions, Ethan. Are you going to help me with what I said or not?" Whitmore looked at him. "Let's just get over this, and we would discuss how we can get the virus." Ethan walked out of the lab and into the main street. The street was silent as many of the citizens were indoors. An announcement was passed around and asking all of them to stay. Ethan had instructed the men to alert him if there was anything that was out of place. "IIt been two days, Ethan. What is this part of your plan to be accepted by the community? Really?" Kennedy looked at him with anger. "Do you honestly think I am making this up? I know what I have seen and what I hea
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chapter forty two
Clara knocked her arrow and shot one of the men down. "Did you see that?" Zack shouted with surprise. "She didn't even knock an arrow." He shouted with a frightened look on his face. "Do you think I care? They just knocked down one of my men, and all you could do is stand there and watch." Barnet shouted" Attack!" He shouted at his men, and they ran forward with their guns in the air. "Hold! Hold!!" Ethan shouted as the men looked at his forehead orders. Barnet's men ran forward, and Ethan shouted, "Loose." Arrows were seen flying in the sky as Barnet's men fell down one by one as they were struck by the arrows. They began to fire at Ethan and his men too, but they were saved by the tall walls and the barricades they had right in front of him. The battle was heated as both sides began to lose more men to the battle. Bullet was flying around, and arrows were also flying in different directions. Suddenly, Rachel was hit by a bullet and she fell down. "Go down and join Johnny. You wi
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chapter forty three
"You don't have to do this." Kennedy shouted as Benjamin was about to shoot him in the head. "She is here, and I will lead you right to her." He pleaded "See, that wasn't so hard after all." Benjamin said with a smirk as he trailed after Kennedy, who was now shaking like a jellyfish. The door to the room burst open. Kennedy eyes scanned the room for Rachel and Whitmore. "Are you playing some game with me, boy?" Benjamin shouted, his voice laced with anger. Before Kennedy would say a word, he was shot in the knee. The loud groan of Kennedy could be heard. "Last chance, where is she?" Benjamin scowled "She is... she is supposed to be here. I swear, please." Kennedy knelt down crying. "Where the hell is she?" Benjamin looked around. "You need to run or else they are going to kill you." Rachel looked at Whitmore in the eyes. 'Besides, is your name Whitmore? That doesn't sound like a feminine name." "You can call me Selena. Whitmore is a family name. Is it going to leave your brother
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chapter forty four
The loud gunshot woke Ethan up. He looked beside him and saw Rachel bleeding to the floor. "No, no!" He shouted, running towards his sister, but the soldiers had him pinned down. "Please, just this once. Give me a new mission. Please save her!" Ethan shouted like a madman. Many of the onlookers didn't know who he was talking to or what he was saying. Rachel gasped for breath as she looked at Ethan. "I am sorry, big brother; I didn't mean to be hostile towards you. I just...I just..." She was about to utter another word when life slowly left her body. Ethan looked up, and his eyes glowed blue. "Do you give the serum to him? Is that why he is special, different?" Benjamin shouted at Selena. "No, I didn't. I don't have the serum. You need to believe me." She begged "Do I need to kill him before you understand? Is that what you really want?" Benjamin said with a smirk. The community was silent, and if a pin had dropped, they would have heard the sound. "Bring me that man." Jared walke
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chapter forty five
Jared's mind raced as Paul’s words echoed in his ears. He felt the weight of Benjamin’s command, but the temptation to solidify his power was gnawing at him. Kennedy represented a symbol of resistance, a hope for the community to cling to, and that was dangerous. Yet, Benjamin had been clear about maintaining order, not spilling unnecessary blood. If he went against Benjamin's orders, he might find himself in a worse position than Kennedy. He needed to play this smart. Jared turned to the rest of the soldiers still stationed around the community. “Listen up!” he barked. “We’ll follow Benjamin’s orders to the letter. We keep the peace, maintain control, and we don’t do anything without me saying so. Am I understood?” The soldiers nodded, but Jared could see doubt in some of their eyes. They had all seen Benjamin’s ruthlessness; they knew what he was capable of. Jared knew that to them, he was just another soldier, easily replaceable if he stepped out of line. He needed to gain their
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chapter forty six
"You lost them? You lost them!" Benjamin shouted at one of the soldiers and gunned him down. "I went through the streets capturing the doctor. I did your jobs for you, and what did you do? You blew it right in my fave." "We are going to bring them back alive, Colonel." One of the soldiers said again"I don't know how you are going to do it, but I need the doctor back alive. I don't care about the zombie man now. What we need is the serum, and we need to stop with these failed experiments." Benjamin shouted One of the doctors entered, his clothes soiled with human blood. "What is the progress?" Benjamin gave his final orders to his men and walked towards the man whose face showed he was scared of telling Benjamin what the outcome of his work was. "I am sorry, Ben. I think we might need the ersuk after all. Is Selena here yet?" "How dare you ask me that when you cannot even get me what I want? Are you telling me that Selena is more important and knowledgeable than you?" Ben shouted,
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chapter forty seven
The loud, desperate shout of Selena could be heard as she batted the monster on her own. "Leave her!" Ethan tried to speak, but the sharp pain he felt at the back of his head was too much. His vision was blurry as he got to his feet. He wanted to have a go at this monster, but then he couldn't. He fell to the ground and passed out.After what felt like eternity, Ethan felt like he was being rebooted. His eyes slowly flickered open, and he looked around. "Where the hell am I?" He said slowly, trying to look around. He noticed he couldn't move. Ethan tried to force himself out of the chair he sat on, but he couldn't. He needed some time to gather his strength. He remembered what happened, and the thought of what might have happened to Selena was all he could think about. The door opened, and Barnet walked in. "Ah, I can see you are awake. I treated your wounds," he said, slowly dragging a seat towards Ethan's front. Ethan said nothing but simply stared at him; he remembered their last
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