From a distance, there, was the most appealing sight to the eyes of any man. Far left on the way into Kibich City, was the massive and enormous castle. It housed the royal of the royals, His Majesty King Matumu, Kibich’s Viceroy and the serving King of Credonia. Judging from the looks of this giant fortress and the history behind palaces, one could only imagine the beauty within this citadel. Not to forget, the comfort, pleasures and honors involved.
Indeed, this castle was as good as any other but; save for the King's son, Gatamu. He was Matumu's only progeny, hence, the Prince of the land and the King-in-wait for the throne. To him, beauty was far much beyond the walls of this fortress. Prince Gatamu saw no beauty within the palace walls. Unlike the wishes of many, his was to get out of this fort.
This Prince, however, did not always have his eye caught by the beauty beyond the walls of the palace and the reaches of Kibich City. These pleasures of the palace satisfied the Prince until after a visit to Ruaki village in the Malaba district. The crown in wait for him to his head had purpose no more but, the one to his heart. As it is said, love and beauty belittles a beast and, so it did to the Prince in wait for the throne.
Kibich City, the capital of Credonia, was in the Kibich district. It was the largest and most developed districts of Credonia. Malaba was one of the neighbouring districts by the south of Kibich. Unlike Kibich, Malaba was slow to development and urbanization. The main reason being, it was majorly occupied by one kinfolk. They shared strong religious and traditional beliefs that ridiculed refinement. Up until few months past, Malaba was an independent district. A severe drought caused by a locust outbreak brought them to their knees.
Kibich, being its neighbor and the heart of Credonia came to their rescue and annihilated the insects but, left behind mass graves of starved people, animals and, a dry barren land. The disaster had softened Malaba people to welcome for help. To salvage the land and life, they agreed on a massive water project around the district. None other was better suited for the job but the Prince, Gatamu. He was chosen by the Regent, his father, to head and oversee the project. His wishes to leave the palace had finally come true. Of course, he had his communication skills and his father's influence to thank for it.
During this endeavor, while the Prince was on the line of duty, he met a peasant girl by the name Peninah. He had to have someone from Malaba help to mobilize people and navigate the district. He also had to observe some gender balance in his choice as well. Peninah may have been a peasant girl but, an educated one. A criterion that got her the position at the right hand side of the Prince. To this Prince though, Peninah was not just any peasant girl or co-worker but the key to his heart.
Besides her likable morals and a sufficient education, she was the most beautiful of women Gatamu had ever laid his eyes on. The proviso that cleared and permanently secured her the space inside the Prince’s heart and won his love. She was of a fair complexion, dark grey eyes; a model shaped and sized body not to mention, her soft long dark hair. In other words, she was the literal description of an angel princess.
This Prince accredited the saying that, there is love at first sight. More so, he was about to prove that which was formally taboo, a way of life. For a Prince and a peasant girl, more so, from Malaba falling in love, this surely was a bad omen. Their cultures had nothing in common to allow or guarantee such a union. Nevertheless, from the moment he saw this girl, his thoughts were carried away. From that instance, all he dreamt about was Peninah as his queen.
He could not let his manhood and Prince Hood down. Therefore, he made the decision to get what he wanted. On approaching Peninah, things did not go as he thought. In the city, people adored and worshiped those with dosh. Back in the city, every woman could fall for him. They could do anything and everything to win his love, or rather, to be queen.
Here, Peninah had him a new lesson. In these countrified areas, the people here were less civilized and cared not much about money and leisure, save for a few avaricious ones. They also barely understood the meaning of Prince Hood besides a prince being a King's lad. They knew more about the trinity. This meant; the gods, the oracle and the seniors.
According to tradition, Peninah also knew that, she could only be married to a man from her tribe and with similar values. She hardly had time for this Prince besides working together. After all, girls were not allowed to engage with men in such dialogues until their time of betrothal, especially, with strangers.
No matter how much Prince Gatamu tried to woo her, she made effort to ignore the chitchat. This action was rather strange and therefore, he had to ask about it. He approached one of the village seniors. Since his birth, Gatamu could count the number of times he had to go through someone to get what he wanted. This was with an exception of his father the King of course.
Of all he ever thought of, he could never imagine having to follow a woman like plague. More so, seeking help about one from anybody. Indeed, even the lions eat grass a times. He approached senior Rimberia, the Provost of Ruaki village. Upon inquiry on what was wrong, the senior explained to him that it was forbidden in their culture.
Since that moment, Gatamu made it his duty to break the taboo and bring those people to the light of urbanization; or rather, he had to marry Peninah taboo or no taboo. Upon hearing how serious Gatamu was, and, not to forget his voracity for coinage, Rimberia had found himself a gold mine.
Just like in any other community, there were those that were the enforcers of the law. They were governed by this law and, they would make amendments to it as well. Here in Malaba, the seniors mostly were the enforcers of this law. They also had the power to change them as they deemed right. For the gods, money seemed a better and fast working god. Who could want more?
That day, Gatamu had no choice but to just keep his dream alive. He had to make plans with senior Rimberia on how to get through to Peninah. The easiest alternative was for Rimberia to organize a private meeting for the Prince and Peninah. Nevertheless, a problem needed to be taken care of first.
According to senior Rimberia, it had come time for a new constitution in the canton. Remember, though some of their laws were inhuman, it was not the reason for the change. His greed made it so, and, this time, it was for money. After all, Peninah’s parents could not support this unless there were changes, or, so he thought.
As Rimberia went to work on amending the constitution, Gatamu went back to his land but with Peninah in his heart and mind. He could not tell it to anyone at his home and more so, his parents. Usually, just like there were traditions in the villages, those civilized had their traditions too.
In the case of Gatamu, back at his home, his fate was already sealed. His parents had already chosen a bride for him. She was the daughter of Mr. Mamiti, the assistant provost of Kibich district, a very prominent businessperson and, the richest man in Credonia. Be this as it may, Gatamu knew that the king could never support his love for Peninah. Just as it was unmentionable back in the hamlets, the King could never agree to such a union as well. That was the reason why the villagers thought of such a relationship proscribed.
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THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 2
Back at the Malaba district, Peninah could not keep these to herself. She had to share with her parents to hear their views and get advices from them. Upon her sharing it to them, their reaction surprised Peninah beyond her wits. They reacted as those whom expected such news from her, or, as if they had a clue of what she was about to say. She could not understand why the reaction and yet, what she said was said to be taboo and most abolished. Just like anyone else, curiosity could not let her be. She had to ask a question. Standing next to her mother, she looked straight to her, “mother, if I may ask, did you not tell me that talking to and being wooed by a stranger especially, those from the City was forbidden?” Peninah began. Her mother looked back at her, “of course my daughter, that’s true.” Peninah seemed disturbed, “why is it then that, you people seemed as those expecting this? What is happening?” “My daughter, as it
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 3
Peninah prepared herself to go visit the Oracle for more insights concerning this future of hers. A moment later, Rimberia arrived at their home in search of Mr. Makubu, her father and the assistant provost of the land. Back in his mind, he knew that Peninah’s father could not agree to his daughter being wooed by a stranger from Kibich despite him being the Prince. He made sure not to mention a word to him about it. After all, he needed to keep this mine to himself. Since he knew that such was unmentionable, he was sure-fire that Peninah could not have mentioned a word about it to her parents. With all things that way and in his favor, he was surely ready to play the broker. He needed Gatamu’s money and more respect as the viceroy and senior of the community. About amending the laws of the land, he knew that people could not stop him. If they did, he could threaten to stop the Gatamu water project as they referred to it. For this reason, he was sure they coul
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 4
In Warume, Gatamu was on his toes. He prayed day and night for things to fall together as soon as possible. Not only did he have the trouble of confining these dreams and his intense feelings for Peninah to himself but also, to mask them from Silviah. She hardly left his back. In fact, Silviah was more of a tick than his love. As it is hard to keep the tick off the veins, so it was to keep her from Gatamu. He tried his best to keep his feelings for the civic girl Peninah curbed but…not hard enough I guess. Some things, especially feelings, are hard to conceal from women, especially with them always around you and by your side. It was not long and Silviah noted Gatamu’s sudden lack of interest in her. She could also not keep it to herself and had to ask Gatamu a question about it. She went ahead to ask of what had gone wrong since his visit to Malaba district for the project. Gatamu tried to get himself off the hook but men… was it so tight! As much as Gatamu mentione
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 5
Peninah arrived at the oracle’s place. The oracle was expecting her visit and therefore was ready for her. As the oracle was welcoming her, she could not tame the fear she had within herself. Her life had become an unsolved mystery because of what was going on. More so, she could not help but fear the words that she was about to hear from the oracle’s mouth. The oracle however, could see this fear engraved on her face like the Ten Commandments on the stone tablets. He knew that, such news could not be easy on her, especially, the part about breaking taboo. In fact, the laws of their land and this anathema worried Peninah most. That is what had brought her to the oracle. She could understand what she had already heard from her mother about the oracle, her future, the gods and the prophecy. She also had little faith that the gods were doing their part. What she could not comprehend was how the gods would protect her from the people’s wrath after breaking the taboo. She
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 6
Peninah arrived home from visiting the oracle. Her parents were anxiously waiting for her. They were eager to hear what she had been told by the oracle. They also wanted to share to her the news about the change of the traditions. “My daughter, I see that now you have all the answers you needed. There is no fear on your face no more.” Peninah’s mother said. “Of course mother, the fear is gone, although not all of it but, I hope it shall clear as I learn to accept my lot.” Peninah replied. “What did the oracle have for you my child? What did he add to what I had told you?” Her mother asked curiously. “Well, in fact, all that you told me, he has just confirmed. He has also told me to befriend the Prince and something about Rimberia changing the laws of the land.” “Aah I see. Well then my daughter, we had the same news for you. It seems the gods are surely at work and serious about it after all.” “What same news mother?” “…The new
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 7
Prince Gatamu arrived at the doctor’s house. Not only was doctor Kirimi his friend but also their family doctor. He also happened to be the brother to Mr. Mamiti. This is to mean that, he was Silviah’s uncle. He was the youngest brother at their home. He and the Prince happened to be of the same age. Prince Gatamu visited the doctor frequently but this day’s visit was no ordinal visit. Gatamu had a bone to break and he surely needed somebody to help him on how to go about it. Despite the fact that Kirimi was Silviah’s uncle, Gatamu knew that he could help him out. In the past days, whenever they met to have a chat, some of the key things they discussed were women, love and marriage. These two being of the right age, they could not help but to discuss these issues. Gatamu knew for sure that Kirimi was an advocate for love and could help him out. He believed that for two to be together, they must be in love. Before Gatamu met this girl, he talked of marriage as
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 8
Back at the palace, Silviah was left mad at the Prince for assuming her and talking rudely to her. Since she knew that the king could never brace such a relationship, she could not keep her tongue on leash. She went ahead and told king Matumu of the new discovery. Surely, king Matumu could never tolerate Gatamu marrying any other woman but Silviah. This was not for the love they had, or, should it be, love they had not nor Matumu’s interest in her as his daughter-in-law but all for power. Her father was a very influential person in the city and therefore, Mamiti was crucial in his position. Matumu only wanted this daughter for his son because of his political ambitions. Were it not for this fact, he could also not support his son into marrying someone he does not love. Silviah did not have a clue though that her relationship was not for love but politics. According to her, Gatamu loved her like no other woman. She was his queen of the heart. After all, she was proud
THIN BLOOD: Ultimate Sacrifice Chapter 9
Gatamu arrived at the palace only to meet his father breathing fire and no Silviah. He was so worked up because of what she had told him about Gatamu having another woman. He could not imagine Gatamu messing things up just that blindly. With much anger, “Gatamu, where have you been and what has become of you?” the king asked. “Why do you ask this father? I do not seem to understand. I am just from the other side of city to see my friend doctor Kirimi.” “And who gives you the impression that doctor Kirimi treats people with such insolence and disrespect?” “What disrespect are you talking about father? I do not understand why the tone my king. I thought you knew that I do visit him when I need to see him.” “Of course I do but I fail to understand why you had to disrespect Silviah and talk to her the way you did this morning.” “Father, I am sorry to have talked to her like that. It will not happen again. I just had a bad morning and my mi
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About The Author
Somewhere, in one of the great and iconic countries of East Africa was a small town. It was in this small town that two among God’s wonderful creation met and fulfilled one of the greatest commandments. They fell in love. Not too long after, a miracle happened and a boy child was born. No amount of effort could fade the joy and smile on their faces upon holding him in their hands. It was a miraculous and glorious moment. As it turned out, they surely had a reason to praise God in thanksgiving for the special gift. Years later, he grew…no, wait a minute…well, I grew to fulfill my destiny, as it was the will of God. The name of my Country is Kenya, and, that of my town, the great Meru. It was after very many years of challenges and what some might refer to as ignorance and failures that I finally figured myself and the true purpose of my birth. God Almighty brought me to this earth as a messenger of his True word to his people. So you know… I went to school just like e
Chapter 30
A few months later after the Prince’s supposed death, the king visited doctor Kirimi. He did not visit to threaten him this time but to ask for some help. Doctor Kirimi gave him the news that Peninah the village girl was pregnant of his son. This was the best news the king had heard from his son’s demise. Without waste of any time, he had to find this girl. He knew that she was carrying the only heir to the throne. This time, the customs did matter no more so to speak. Here was a chance for him to be father and grandfather again. He could not just let it slip away. His son’s demise got him back the missing shreds of humanity. He journeyed to the village to see Makubu and talk about it. Doctor Kirimi knew that their plan had just worked perfectly. Gatamu too could not believe that his father was going for the village girl he hated so much. On arrival at the township, the king talked to Makubu about the fact. He explained to him how he was stupid and blamed himself for
Chapter 29
The King also knew that the Prince could not do anything to keep him away from Peninah. He believed that his son was dead. He too had the death syndrome and forgot that if it was faked, he could still see Peninah. I guess the parent child bond is too strong for anything. All he thought of was losing a son. The news that the Prince had died spread everywhere from the city to the village. He was mourned and as usual, his remains where laid to rest. It was one big blow to the people of the Warume dynasty. They had just lost a potential king. At the village, Makubu and Rebecca could not comprehend what they had just heard. Although Peninah knew that the Prince was not dead, she was not to share even with her parents. This one secret had to remain between the three of them only. In disbelieve, they went to see the Oracle for answers. They could not fathom how the gods had let the Prince and savior die. On arrival at his shrine, they met him in dismay as well. Alth
Chapter 28
At Ruaki township, the drought was very severe but the elders were convinced that it was about to end. This was after they decided not to punish Peninah. For the Oracle, he was just praying that the gods do something about the drought. If it persisted for long after, the elders could begin to suspect being lied to. King Matumu could not risk anything coming between his son and Silviah anymore. He decided to marry the two. They both discussed it with Mamiti and came to an agreement. Consequently, there was no need to waste any more time. The wedding was fixed and the plans were set on track. Gatamu and Peninah continued to meet without a glitch for quite some time. They got too confident that Silviah and the king could not suspect anything. They began meeting more frequently. The excuse was perfect though. The doctor had to say that the Prince just needed more check-ups. They forgot one thing though. Once bitten, twice shy. King Matumu was not at will to take
Chapter 27
At Ruaki village, the elders learnt of Peninah’s sneaking out at night to go see the Prince. They became determined to punish her for it. During the first time she was in relationship with Gatamu, it was not so severe. There was a chance of her forgiveness. After they discovered of her persistence in seeing the prince against their will, they surely meant to pass judgement on her. Makubu knew that to be no good news. He went to see the Oracle and told him about it. He needed the oracle’s help to save his daughter. They both had to do something fast to save her. “Good day holy one,” Makubu greeted. “Good day too Makubu; to what do I owe your visit this day?” “I certainly have a problem that needs your intervention and possibly prayers.” “What sort of problem is this that worries your soul to such an extent that I can tell from the look on your face?” “The elders have found out about my daughter seeing the Prince again and they decide to
Chapter 26
Peninah later came to open up to the Prince and told him of the news that she was with a child. The Prince was so happy, saw this as an opportunity, and guarantee for them to be together forever as it was his dream and hers too. He could not keep this just to himself. He shared it with Kirimi. Kirimi was so proud too and encouraged him to fight on for this girl. Silviah could not hold on any longer. She could no longer sit back and wait for the Prince to come through. For the time they had stayed together with him, she had noticed that sometimes he could hold on to something without letting go. She decided to have some people trail him whenever he went and find out if they are still seeing each other with Peninah. It was the only thing Silviah could do because she could not risk stepping foot to the village to warn Peninah to keep her hands off the Prince. Indeed, her guess was not wrong after all. The spies told her of the news that Peninah and the Prince were still
Chapter 25
Lucky enough for the Prince, Naitiira thought that it was time for him to own the mine. He visited the city on his own behind other elders back and went to see Gatamu. All he wanted was to let him know that he could help him to see Peninah without having to go to the village. This is just what Gatamu needed to hear. This is just what he was looking for. Naitiira was lucky enough this time because he was willing to spend any amount of money to have Peninah by his side. It was in Warume that money could also buy love or, so they believed. Again, it was money about to put everything back on track for Gatamu. Naitiira visited the city and they had a talk with Gatamu about the whole plan. Since they could not risk being found, they had to do it at the doctor’s place. He was to be sneaking Peninah out of the village and into the city to have them meet. This was the very best news for Gatamu. Meanwhile, he had to relocate and move to some other place. Doctor Kirimi
Chapter 24
In the city, money was everything and everything was money. In fact, money was god. Here, in these parts of the country, money talked louder than the voice of the people and any god. The fact that Gatamu had to be betrothed to a woman chosen for him was enough evidence. Gatamu and Silviah’s betrothal was not based on their love for each other neither was it for the good of the people, no. It was all in the service of their parents’ egotistical interests and treacherous ambitions. Mr. Mamiti and the king had been friends for such a long time. They had done many things together; some of which were against the people’s rights and humanity. The main reason for it all being; their greed for power, influence and affluence. The king wanted his son to marry Mamiti’s daughter as a sign of their trust for each other and to keep the noxious secrets buried. Divulging them deleterious secrets would do either of them colossuses no good. Though they were friends, both kept
Chapter 23
In the Warume kingdom, the spy had already told the king about what had happened at the village. He stipulated to the king that his son was seeing a village girl and that they might have gone beyond just seeing each other. The king was worked up but could not react until; he had enough prove that his son was surely bewitched by a village girl. He also made sure that Silviah did not know about it for she could tell her father. Her father’s knowledge about this could not go well for him. It was so not good. He had to do everything to keep it secret. This meant that he could not ask his son about it neither could he show him a negative attitude. Although deep inside he was burning and dying to ask his son about it, he had not another choice but to keep his mouth shut. Silviah had not any clue of what was going on in the palace. As far as she was concerned, she was the apple of the eye for Gatamu. She was the only bean in his githeri I say. Gatamu and his father as well