511: Shocked?

Sam was still staying at the place where Max had gotten from him. So he was secluded in there and staying alone while hoping for situation to get better so he could at least be able to move around freely.

He had been in there for days so he was getting bored and had decided to go out to his company and check on things. On that day he had gotten ready and left for his company to check on the overall situation of his company at least

He had taken a ride to his company and on his arrival he walked up to his company but suddenly some security guards had stopped him. He was confused as he looked at the security guard who were stopping him from getting in. Confused, he raised an eyebrow as he stared at them.

"And what the hell do you guys think you're doing?" He questioned but no one replied.

"I asked what the hell are you doing? And why are you stopping me from going in? Don't you even know who I am? Don't you know that I'm your boss here? The CEO
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