526: A deal

Leo sat there crossing his legs while he waited for the police man to get him the person he was waiting for, who was Gabe. He had already achieved in what he wanted since he knew how these people behaved and what they wanted. So he simply played along with them.


The police man left and headed to the cell where Gabe was kept. On arriving there, he looked through the cell at Gabe who sat there without even doing anything. He didn't sit with others there but sat apart on the floor as though he was talking to himself or something.

"Hey you" he slightly slammed against the Cell as they all looked up at the person at the Cell door, including Gabe. Curious.

The police man was looking straight at Gabe as he said "Yeah you. Come out. You're one lucky guy. You've been bailed out by someone. So come outside already and meet the person you could Leave"

Gabe was slightly surprised as to who it was that was bailing him out. He couldn't make sense out of it and he couldn't think of who it was
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