525: End?

On seeing Gabe being dragged away, Mia had a smile of relief. At least she had gotten rid of that problem for the time being.

She looked at Max "Thanks for getting rid of him. He was going to be a problem if he wasn't taken away. He has been pestering me for the past days. How bothersome" She frowned.

"Don't worry. He's gone now. But if he or anyone bothers you like that don't forget to let me know, alright?" He instructed her as she nodded with a smile.

"Let's go In and take a look at the dresses, I've already had the lady prepare the best for us" she said with a smile as she led him in to check out their wedding dresses.


Leo and Katy had gone home after the party. It was success for all they had gone to do. And had already sealed the deal with mr lux. So things was basically going smoothly for them.

They had arrived home late at night so as Leo packed his car. He had received a call from someone. "you can go in, I have
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