"It was an easy task. The manager had no choice but to take my proposal when I told him who I was," Ken bragged to Anna and her mother.

The millionaire came over to see his lover after submitting his business proposal to the D.F. company.

Little did he know that Damien was the owner, and the famous trillionaire many wanted to work with.

"You are so lucky Ken. Do you know how hard it is for some companies to get their proposal sent to D. F company?" Mrs Blackwood said, praising Ken's boldness.

"I heard the CEO hardly takes in or attends to any contract. He likes to stay in the shadows like a spirit," Anna chuckled, burying herself in Ken's hold.

"You know he's a trillionaire. The number one richest man. A man like that is bound to be busy, " Mrs Blackwood added.

Ken smirked and said with pride, " But in my case, he'll have no choice but to attend to my proposal. My ratings and skills are certainly way better than any other millionaire."

"Including my Dad? " Anna asked, lifting her brow at Ken.

He chuckled and said, " No dear. Your father is more intelligent than me. I'm not better than him."

Anna felt pleased, laying her head back on Ken's chest. But she and her mother failed to see when Ken rolled his eyes in doubt—he didn't mean that.

He didn't consider Mr Blackwood better than him. He believed he was way better than the Blackwood family.

"Even if her father submits a business proposal to the CEO, he won't be accepted. The man is too old, and so are his skills, " He mocked within.

Just as they were talking, Ken got a message alert on his phone.

He carefully lifted Anna off his chest to reach for his phone. When he took it out and looked at the screen...

"Will you look at that?" He said with a chuckle, getting Anna and her mother all curious to know what was going on.

"What is it, my love? " Anna asked.

Ken showed his phone to Anna, revealing who sent it.

"It's a message from D. F company. Meaning the boss has seen my proposal and responded, " He bragged.

Anna gasped at this, showing her excitement.

"Congratulations Ken. This is good," Mrs Blackwood rejoiced for Ken, drawing nearer to knowing what the message said.

"Read it dear. Let's see what it says. I bet he's drooling over you and wants you to start at once," Anna chuckled along with Ken and her mother.

When Ken opened the message, the young millionaire felt his heart skip heavily.

His eyes grew large, staring at the content of the message from D. F company.

"Ken, what does it say? " Anna asked, but Ken couldn't respond out of shock.

"Stop scaring us, Ken. Tell us the good news," Mrs Blackwood requested.

Seeing Ken won't answer them, Anna decided to do it herself. She attempted to take the phone from her boyfriend, but he drew his hand away so she wouldn't take it.

"Stop it, Ken! Let's see it," Anna said, dragging the phone from Ken jokingly.

She dropped her gaze on the message and was shocked at the content.

"What?! You were rejected?" Anna announced loudly.

Her mother gasped in shock and asked, " Why? What happened?"

Anna proceeded to read the message out loud. "From the management of D. F company, we are sad to say your proposal wasn't accepted nor does it fit our company's standard."

Ken tightened his fist on hearing that.

"Your qualifications and skills aren't worth working with. We are looking for high-standard skills and good qualifications worth our CEO's taste. Do improve in those areas if you wish to join us in the future. Have a nice day."

"That's rude! Ken has a lot of skills, " Anna commented, dropping the phone.

Ken got to his feet furiously and moved to a corner.

"Work on my skills? Is this some kind of joke?" He sparked, stamping his fist against the wall hard.

Mrs Blackwood signaled her daughter to comfort her lover. Anna didn't know what to do at first until she saw her mother.

She got to her feet and met Ken, turning him over for a warm hug.

"My love, it's okay. That company and its CEO don't know talent when they see it. They are just too blind to notice it. You are amazing," She said, cheering him.

But Ken wasn't getting any better. He badly wanted that deal and now he doesn't have it.

"Do you know how far I'd get if those assholes didn't reject me? This is the company belonging to the richest man. I could have gone far! " He groaned.

"You don't need them to get to the top, Ken. You are better than them, " Anna supported.

Just then, Mr Blackwood came rushing into the mansion, yelling at the top of his voice.

"Yes! I did it!"

"What happened my love?" Mrs Blackwood asked her husband.

With happiness, he showed his wife a picture on his phone, sending her rejoicing out loud, wrapping her arms around her husband.

"Congratulations!" She cheered.

"Congratulations? What's going on? What's the good news about?" Anna asked, drawing closer with Ken.

Mr Blackwood immediately shared with his daughter, " Say hello to D. F company's new partner."

"Wait, did you say partner?" Anna gazed in shock.

Her father and mother nodded in excitement.

"Your father was chosen by the CEO himself. He sent a message, inviting him to come over and sign a partnership deal with him."

"He said he likes my skills and wants to work with me. Isn't this amazing?" Mr Blackwood laughed.

Anna screamed out in excitement, joining her parents to celebrate.

She ignored Ken, who stood before the family in shock.

"He got accepted? This man whose skills aren't up to mine, got accepted?" He stared at the Blackwoods with jealousy creeping in his heart.

"He didn't even propose and he was chosen over me?!" He tightened his fist.

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