"I knew my father was talented. That trillionaire didn't want to lose such a fine man like him, " Anna bragged before Ken.

The family threw a small party within themselves to celebrate the good news. Ken had no choice but to join in, since he was present and because Anna was his girlfriend.

"He didn't even make a proposal. He was just called over and he got accepted. Waw!"

"Yeah, we heard him already," Ken groaned, sipping from his wine.

"I'm so happy for my father. He deserves to work with a wealthy businessman like Mr Rosario, " She added, clinging to Ken.

Though the young millionaire was feeling jealous, he decided to push it aside and see it as mere luck.

"He was just lucky. I bet the CEO just considered his old age and decided to take him in. Maybe he even begged the company for the partnership," He scoffed, uplifting his spirit once again.

"Whatever. I'm not the first person to be rejected. I will still try again and get my rightful place at D. F company. Just a little more touch to my skills and that's it, " Ken decided.

After that day, Ken tried out another application to D. F company. He didn't tell Anna or her family about it, but kept it to himself.

He too wants to brag at them and make it a surprise.

"I will throw a large party once they accept me, " He planned.

But just like the first, Ken's proposal was rejected.

"It's nothing. I can just try again. A little touch to the qualification and I'm good to go, " He said, attending to his proposal.

That same day he sent it, his secretary at the company, came to deliver the bad news, revealing that he was rejected by D. F company.

This angered Ken, who kept on trying and trying, but only ended up being rejected by the company.

"Why?! What am I doing wrong?" He yelled in his office, turning his table upside down.

His actions feared his workers, who immediately drew away from their boss.

Anna came over that same day to see Ken. She was stunned to find his office in mess.

"Did a tornado come in here or what? " She asked, stepping into the office to meet Ken, who had his head on the wall, feeling frustrated.

She drew nearer to her lover and asked, "Baby, what is the matter? Why are you so mad?"

"Why do they keep rejecting me?" He asked her.

Anna didn't get him at first, until Ken mentioned D. F company and his proposals that were rejected by them.

Instead of showing her support like then, Anna chuckled at it and said, " Relax Ken. You're acting like a real cry baby."

Ken glared at Anna, who didn't even notice his gaze on her.

"You need to understand what Mr Rosario is looking for. Look at my father for example, he's skilled and smart, and has a long time qualification. That rich man is after men like my dad."

"Are you saying that I'm not fit to be qualified?" He questioned her.

Anna noticed the anger in Ken's eyes and tried to make him understand her own point of view.

"Don't take it the wrong way, Ken. I'm only telling you what Mr Rosario needs."

"So when did you become his spokesperson?"

"Ken, stop this. I'm only trying to help you out."

"Yeah, you're really helping by adding more salt to my wound, " Ken tsked at her, walking towards his flipped table.

Anna groaned at Ken and said with pride, "Anger won't take you anywhere, Ken. Let me help you out with this simple issue that's giving you sleepless night."

"I don't need your help."

"Oh, you will need it, " She said, walking up to him.

"My father is attending a grand party organized by the Trillionaire himself at Diamond Head Hall. He made father a special guest," She bragged.

"And why should I care?" He asked Anna, who drew closer to Ken, wrapping her arms around his neck.

She smirked and shared, "Dad is now close to the CEO. I can get him to talk to Mr Rosario on your behalf. The trillionaire won't have any choice but to accept you."

Ken lifted his brow at Anna's words, as she continued to brag about how she'd get Mr Blackwood to bring Ken and the trillionaire together.

"You will see how easy it is. In fact, to show you I'm serious..." She took out her phone to call her father. "I'll prove it to you right here. I'll tell my father to speak to the CEO."

Ken watched Anna as she called her father's line. But there was no response from him.

She tried again but got the same result.

"He must be busy at the party. It's a fancy gathering after all, " She giggled.

Just then, Mr Blackwood called Anna back.

She showed Ken and proudly answers the call in his front.

"Hi Daddy!" She said.

All of a sudden, Anna exclaimed in astonishment, " What?!"

"What happened?" Ken asked on noticing how she exclaimed.

"Where are you? You're with father? I'm coming," Anna said, ending the call.

Ken asked her what had happened, but Anna wouldn't say. She rushed out of the office with Ken following from behind.

They arrived back at the mansion to meet Mr Blackwood, sulking on the coach like one who was lost.

"What happened exactly, Mom? How come?" Anna asked, sitting beside her father.

"I just don't know how to say it my dear. It's just so embarrassing," Mrs Blackwood expressed her bitterness.

When she was about telling them what occurred at the event, Ken got their attention to the TV, which was showing the same event Mr and Mrs Blackwood attended.

The screen showed everyone laughing at Mr Blackwood, with the headline saying, "Laughing Stock of the week."

"Laughing stock?" Ken looked at them.

"Your father has been treated unfairly. His so called partnership with D. F company was a deal to be a cleaner to the CEO," Mrs Blackwood revealed.

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