Chapter 147

Mr. Mccardy didn't know what Mr. Blackwood was talking about, it was like he had gone insane and there was not what he would expect. “What in the world are you talking about? I know you must have been taking too much to drink so please I would advise you to go back home and lay down.”

Mccardy was not about to make himself a victim to one of the Blackwoods traps, it was not going to be easy but he was going to look for a way he would leave without even causing more trouble like that but Mr. Blackwood was not going anywhere.

“You see, tomorrow night I will be with Damien at a big party where Rosario will be attending and then I will make sure that I tell Rosario all about what you have been doing. I will make sure that there is no way for you to remain there.”

“Where is all this coming from Blackwood? I don't even want to have problems with you but you keep coming my way like there is something I did to you.”

Mccardy was still trying to wrap his head around what he was saying but there
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