Chapter 151

Damien went to his office that day with his car and full fleet of guards, he was not going to be hiding who he was anymore. It was going to be either that or he would not even think of going out that day. He made sure he told everyone who he was and he was not going to be hiding it, he knew that there was no way he would be in trouble.

“Mr. Rosario, it is nice to see you here this morning like this. I wondered if you were not going to be showing up but here you are.” Hardy smiled when he saw Damien come in the way he did.

“Why in the world would I miss a day of work for anything? I know that yesterday was mess but there is nothing going to make me miss a day here and I will make sure that everything will be okay here.” Damien walked in and he was shocked to see that there was nothing there for him to see other than the usual sight.

The moment everyone saw him it was like they had been waiting for him to show up and make sure that he didnt miss another day as Rosario, the environment w
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