Chapter 152

Anna was confused when she heard Damien say those words and she knew that something was wrong. She looked at the paper in her hands and it was clear what had happened. Damien had used Damien to sign the paper instead of Rosario.

“You fool!” Anna pulled out the gun, it was clear that she was going to shoot Damien and he knew that it would come to that being prepared for her Damien threw himself there before she could fire a shot.

It was a struggle to take the gun from her, he wanted to make sure that there was nothing that would harm Stella.

Damien overpowered Anna and he was not going to leave her like that he took her down and made sure that he was the one with the gun.

“You know Anna, I call this a double defeat and to beat you twice is something that I would not even imagine was possible.”

Damien pinned Anna down and he was about to take her away when a gun shot was heard.

Damien was shot in the arm,when Anna tried to shoot Stella but there was no telling if it was serious because
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