Michael Rescue a Woman From Financial Embarrassment

Chapter 54

“Young man, you're under arrest, and you have all the right to remain silent, or whatever you say or do will be used against you in the court of law.” He commanded and a hint of disgust formed on his face as his eyes glanced from Michael's head down to his toe.

“Why would someone want to arrest someone like him?” He thought to himself.

“Under arrest? For what?” Michael queried with a smile that ran on his face. His voice was resolute and everyone looked at each other, wondering what even gave him such an audacity to speak.

The policeman's hand ceased at what seemed to be a shock to him.

“What are you waiting for? Get him arrested.” The man's contemptuous voice echoed and the other policemen joined the first to get Michael handcuffed.

However, his words came out again which astonished them. “You dare not touch me if you don't want to lose your positions.”

Everyone, including the man and the policemen, looked at him, feeling amazed. Michael was speaking in such a way that h
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