Sure Chocobo Whistle is awesome, but I don't think I'll be using it much. Maybe one day I'll buy it. Who knows.

Motorcycle (allows you to summon a motorcycle. How fuel uses liquids, objects, aura) = 500 rubles.

Whistle of Fenrir (allows you to summon a Fenrir-class motorcycle as a vehicle. It can use aura, objects, liquids as fuel) = 600 rubles.

But the "Whistle of Fenrir" is interesting. Zooming in on the window with this transport, I opened its 3D version. It was just Cloud's bike from the movies and games. And I want it. He's just gorgeous on his own. Yes, and I remember how I rode motorcycles with my father and uncle in the past. And in this situation, this is the best transport for long trips alone.


But remembering the money, I immediately decided to take a break and ask a couple of questions to the system.

After briefly removing the system, I examined the area. In appearance, the surroundings reminded me of an ordinary mound in the mountains. But looking closer, I noticed a log on which I decided to sit down.

Once I was comfortably seated, it was time for interesting conversations with a smart person, in my case, the system.

- The system can answer a couple of questions?

[What is your question?] - This notification popped up very quickly, while making a sound very much like notifications from VK . Eh ... Skorm, well, you are a prankster. Beeping like an old fax machine? Class.

-Why do I have some skills immediately above level 1?

[A reincarnated user, before moving to this world, he already had experience in working and learning in this craft. Therefore, when creating a new body, not only new skills were taken, but also old ones.]

- I see... Tell me why I have the title "Former Soldier" ?

[When creating a new body, the memories of both the user and the information of the world and the plot of this person were used. Also, the introduction of the character's avatar into this story was made. Before you appeared in the world, this subject lived his life and had little combat experience. But when the User moved in, this subject disappeared from this world and in order to fully use the body, the level was lowered, but the characteristics remained at the same level.]

[Does the user wish to view the subject's history?]

After what I found out... I thought I would fall into a stupor, but no, I expected something like this from the god Skorm.

-Are there any consequences of considering his story? - I decided to clarify, otherwise the information had already been hammered into my head once. It came out unpleasant.

[Consequences unfavorable for the body are not observed. While the user is considering the information, time around you will stop. Until you see everything. Would you like to start this process?]

After thinking, I decided to take this step, it’s still interesting how this one lived, as the Avatar system put it.

-Start the process. I gave the order out loud.

After that, time seemed to stop, looking around, I saw how the bird takes off from the nest, while, as if in slow motion, I could see how it flaps. Even the leaf, which had been hit by it and was about to fall, froze in anticipation.

But I digress. After all, I have a very interesting film waiting for me. Titled "The Village of Fools, or How I Spent Sixteen Years of My Life!"

A couple of hours later

H finished watching. The window played the same picture in front of my face. And I did not know what to say, so I remained silent and looked at my legs and at this panel.

It turns out that no one knew this guy, there were no relatives, no one !! It's also funny that he had a childhood dream "To serve his city." As I understand it, my avatar comes from Nibelheim, which is located next to Midgard. And it can be called my capital.

Midgard itself was formed under the slogan "Everyone is equal, and there are no divisions into rich and poor."

There were relatives and even a sister, but my avatar left them. At the age of twelve, he left his family and joined the army, after which he enrolled in the secret Midgard project "Soldier First Class". Where they made a combat unit out of it. And together with him, his friend joined the army and this project.

He, along with a guy who looked like Zack Fair from Final Fantasy Crisis Core, went to the experiments . The only differences from canon are that he had bird-like claws and wings, which he hid under his clothes and behind gauze bandaged gloves over black leather gloves. He was Faunus, or in the common people Faun. Half man and half beast. As I understand it, a bird or something related to it.

He had dark hair, tall stature and a friendly appearance. A very distinctive man. Especially with his black hair.

And my avatar, I knew him firsthand. Since they were best friends before the army and remained so.

Cloud... even before I became him, he served with Zach, so about a few years. While killing bandits, members of the "White Fang" (Terrorist Organization) and Grimm. But one day the city was attacked by both the bandits and the "White Fang" and Grimm.

As a result, a meat grinder began on the streets. Half the population was killed. Well, the brave soldiers of Atlas came up. They decided that the city could not be saved, and threw about seventeen rockets on it. And I think there is no need to explain that nothing is left of Midgard itself. It is so?

Well, Zak and I (I won’t call you an avatar, otherwise this is my body now), with a handful of soldiers and survivors, fought back until we were surrounded by Atlas soldiers.

All of our group died. Except for us and a couple of survivors we split up with.

And we were attacked by the soldiers of Atlas. They thought we were bandits attacking the city. Because of what the "Commander in Chief Ironwood" himself gave the order, which was as follows: -Liquidation of everyone and everything. No witnesses and death to criminals!

Apparently he wanted to hide the truth from his superiors. Since by the events of the plot of the series, he was already a General.

But back to our squabbles and history itself.

I participated in this battle. but was shell-shocked and could hardly move. And many of the survivors even suggested to Zach that he leave me. But Zak did not leave me and dragged me on a hump along with his Sword (Bastard Sword).

And so we traveled for about a week. Hiding and moving all day and night, through mountains and deserts with monsters. With short breaks, we went further and further.

But this lasted until the soldiers of Atlas overtook us.

The detachment consisted of fifty people. Their target was Zak, he was a Major before the fall of the army. So I don't think it was unexpected, on Ironwood's part, that the remnants of command and witnesses should be destroyed.

Well, there was nowhere to run and it was not possible. Therefore, he hid me behind the rocks, and he went to deal with them. And although the numerical advantage was on the side of the soldiers of Atlas, he alone killed them all alone. But he was so wounded that he died due to blood loss.

My friend died next to me with a smile on his lips and before his death, he gave me his sword and his dream

"Create a world for everyone. For Humans and Fauns."

After I cremated him and scattered the ashes over the rock, I trudged through the wasteland for weeks, if not months, dragging a huge sword across the ground. Feeding on all sorts of fruits and creatures that got in the way. Trying to survive and learn how to hold this sword.

And so it went on until I reached the forest. But due to the wound in my head and fatigue, I passed out abruptly. And probably then, I moved into this body. Becoming... the new Cloud.

At the end of this video, I didn't have the strength to say anything. In my chest, it hurt more. And now the feelings were rushing from side to side, tearing me apart. It's like... I went through it all alive, and all these memories.... they went right into my head.

Apparently, this is it... that's what Skorm meant by the complete fusion of memories. Now his memory is my memory.

But you know what? I'm crying…. Damn, I cried. After all, for Zach, I, Cloud, was a family, and he was like a brother to me. Even in my past life, except for my parents and sister, no one ever did anything to me. And Zach... he could have left me and betrayed me many times, but he didn't. He walked with me to the end, even knowing how everything could end. YOUR MOTHER!!!

After I hit this transparent window, time returned to normal again. And my face got wet. Hmm .... I looked through my autobiography. Crap!

So what do we have on the agenda? I am a former soldier of the ruined city, in fact the last Soldier-first class in this world. Unless, of course, someone managed to hide or was outside the country at the time of the attack. But now, I can not accurately state this or disprove my theory.

And to be, in a short form and remove the little things from the entire list. I don't have a home. The family is dead. My only best friend and brother in arms is dead. And I'm in fucking and don't know where to go and what to do.

And now, since I have a minute to think, I need to think over a plan of action.

What can I say, although I can: WHAT FOR YOUR MOTHER?!?!

Okay, calm down, panic will not bring you to good. Based on everything received, I can compose the following steps:

First, you need to get to the village and temporarily settle there. Make money and gain experience. And then, based on my characteristics, I still have to grow and grow.

Secondly , I have exactly two years before the events of the RWBY story. It was lucky that the system marked this with a countdown timer and put a scarlet pointer in the place where I should come for the plot to progress. Need again... No, YOU HAVE TO BECOME A SOLDIER, A GRIM HUNTER!!! What was my rank there, "Soldier-First Class" right? Wow, that's a long time.

Third - We need to get to Beaken in Veil. And there is no way to get there. On foot, I'll stomp for about one year, or more ... I still can't fully understand the map. I fucking remember Ruby and the JNR team traveling for about six months. And then, in the end, the guys from the Eastern Academy helped them ...

Wait a minute… Eastern Academy!! Damn, I forgot what it's called there, but this is the fastest version of my development. A quiet place where I could be a mercenary or join their academy. It is, in fact, one big city built in the oriental style. City of hunters and merchants with mercenaries.

However, the idea quickly remained in the plans, as to that place, stomp and stomp. And I'm too lazy to do it now, and there is no need.

And the last, fourth, I need to earn about 5,000 rubles or something with a credit.

Oh well, do you have any plans?

There is!

Well, what are we waiting for? It's time for business!

Getting up from the log and removing the needles and leaves stuck to me, I went in the indicated direction of the landmark.

While I'm walking, I need to inspect the inventory ... Well, as I knew. Now I understand for sure that Skorm apparently loved RPG games very much. Since the inventory looked like a classic bag from Arche Age or another ordinary MMO-RPG game, and next to it was my character slot. Very mannequin-like.

Having considered all the above, I realized a couple of things:

-Inventory divides things into several objects (Equipment, Materials, Supplies, Vehicles, Quest Items, and Junk or just garbage).

-Money is marked in the lower left corner of the inventory.

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