Chapter 105: Ameera Meets Ava
Walking in, she realized the pharmaceutical company had a clean, industrial look. The entire facility exuded a sense of functionality and efficiency, with walls painted in stark whites and grays. The flooring was utilitarian—either tiled or polished concrete—contributing to the overall sterile atmosphere.

The areas that Ava’s company would work on were particularly bare and unfinished. Exposed ceilings revealed ductwork and wiring, while basic lighting fixtures provided a harsh, functional glow. The walls were unadorned, adding to the space’s utilitarian feel. The layout of the building was straightforward, with designated areas for laboratories, offices, storage rooms, and common spaces, but each area felt stark and underdeveloped.

Walking through the hallways, Ava noted the emptiness of the space. The lack of decorative elements or personalized touches made the environment feel cold and unwelcoming. Some sections were cluttered with boxes, lab equipment, and materials that had be
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