Chapter 21: Dance

Ambrose's face hardened as he listened to the crowd's accusations.

Grandma Margaret stepped forward, her face contorted with anger. "Ambrose, you despicable liar! How dare you bring a fake wine here and try to pass it off as a gift for Ava? Do you think we are fools? Do you think you can deceive us with your pathetic attempts?"

Ambrose tried to speak, but she cut him off. "No, you listen to me! You have brought nothing but shame to this family. You're a leech, living off our generosity. You don't belong here, and you never will. You disgust me. How dare you try to embarrass Ava in front of everyone with your cheap tricks?”

The murmurs from the crowd grew louder, echoing Grandma Margaret's sentiments. They whispered among themselves, agreeing with her harsh words.

"She's right. He's always been a burden."

"Trying to impress Ava with a fake wine? How low can he go?"

Ambrose stood there, taking in the insults and accusations, his grip tightening around the brown bag. He looked at Ava, w
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