Chapter 46: Ava Shares Bed
About thirty minutes later, Ambrose turned over, his eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room. He glanced at Ava, noticing the gentle rise and fall of her breathing, indicating she was asleep. For a moment, he just lay there, feeling a mix of gratitude and contentment.

He couldn't help but stare at her, admiring her features in the soft glow of the night. Her face, relaxed in sleep, seemed so peaceful. Ambrose felt a rush of affection and appreciation for her. Despite the tension and the arranged nature of their marriage, Ava had shown him a kindness and fairness tonight that warmed his heart.

He smiled softly, feeling a sense of happiness he hadn't experienced in a long time. Knowing that she had defended him and offered him this small comfort made him feel closer to her than ever before.

"Ava," he whispered softly, careful not to wake her, "I promise to support you and give you all the best things you deserve in life. I'll make sure you never have to struggle or worry. I’ll sho
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