Chapter 76: Ava At Airport
Aurora, clad in sleek workout gear, was jogging at a steady pace, her ponytail bouncing with each stride. She didn't notice Ambrose at first, her attention focused on the treadmill's display and the rhythm of her steps. Ambrose stood still for a moment.

As Ambrose stood there, his gaze lingered on Aurora. She had an athletic build, with a slender yet toned physique that showcased her dedication to fitness. Her workout gear, a fitted tank top and leggings, accentuated her form, highlighting her well-defined arms and legs.

Ambrose thanked the staff member, who nodded politely before leaving him to his workout. Deciding not to draw attention to himself or to Aurora, he made his way to an unoccupied treadmill. As he stepped onto the machine, he accidentally pressed the speed button too quickly, causing the treadmill to start at a brisk pace. He stumbled slightly, catching himself just in time to avoid a fall.

“Damn, is it difficult to operate like that?” He muttered

As Ambrose st
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