Tenfold Retribution
Tenfold Retribution
Author: Agnes Grey
Chapter 1: Inheriting Sky Limitless Hotel

"Are you alright? Why on earth would you spill the drink all over the table like that?" Melissa, a middle-aged woman, exclaimed in a sharp, scolding tone.


Melissa’s hand swiftly struck Rick’s cheek, the loud slap resounded through the conference room.

"My father is no longer alive, so don't you dare think you can act all high and mighty around us," Melissa, his mother-in-law, uttered, her eyes narrowing with anger. As the late patriarch's daughter, she seemed intent on asserting her dominance over the situation.

Laura, who was standing by the corner, could do nothing but swallow the pain of seeing her husband get slapped. Laura stood by the corner, her eyes cast down as her family members ignored her.

Rick just stood there, holding his cheek, knowing he was in no position to retaliate. He could only endure the humiliation in silence. Rick Armstrong was merely a live-in son-in-law who had married Laura from the Eldwolf family. The marriage had been arranged due to a vow made by his grandfather and Laura’s grandfather, who had pledged that their grandchildren would marry to solidify their friendship bond.

Laura held no real power in the family; after all, she was the illegitimate child of Melissa’s husband. Melissa never treated Laura as her own, but Laura’s late grandfather, Mike Eldwolf, had been the only one who cherished her.

"Laura, I don't know why you can't teach your good-for-nothing husband proper manners," Damian, Laura's stepbrother, sneered from his seat at the conference table. He then stood up and went where Laura was standing, pushing her head backwards.

"Sorry for your favorite isn't here," Damian laughed, as the other family members joined in.

Laura could only stand there, holding back her tears. "I wish Grandpa was here. All of this wouldn't have happened."

"Please, she isn't at fault here. I'm the one," Rick, who stood apart from the commotion, tried to persuade Damian to stop.

"Oh, the fly is trying to act all mature now," Damian scoffed. "Haha, don't try to act like you are some kind of hero"

The chaos in the room was suddenly interrupted,


the sound of  someone clearing his throat.

All eyes turned to the far end of the conference table, where the middle-aged lawyer sat calmly, observing everyone.

"Excuse me everyone, may I have your attention," the lawyer said. "I think it’s time we get to the reason we’re all here."

The Eldwolf family members reluctantly settled back into their seats. The lawyer cleared his throat again before continuing.

"As you're aware, we've gathered today to go over the final wishes of Mr. Mike Eldwolf." He paused,

"It’s crucial that we handle this process with respect because whatever that is being said here is what he wants and he knows the best"

Damian turned to Rick, his eyes narrowed. "You're lucky that there are more important things to deal with right now, but mark my words, I will watch you and I will make sure you regret the day you ever set foot in this family."

Damian leaned back in his chair and said, "Can we just get on with it? I don’t have time to waste listening to a dead man’s last words."

The lawyer gave Damian a stern look, unfazed by his dismissive tone. "Very well. If you'll all please direct your attention to the documents before you, I will read the relevant portions of the will."

Rick glance at Laura who was a bit nervous as she stood beside him. He then gently held her hands to comfort her.

Once again, the lawyer cleared his throat and started as he shuffled the documents and read

"I, Mike Eldwolf, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this to be my last will. To my beloved grandson-in-law, Rick Armstrong, I leave my most prized possession, the Sky Limitless Hotel."

"What!" A collective gasp went through the room, and Melissa's face began bright red. "What?! That can't be right! Rick is nothing but a commoner, how dare can he be given the hotel?"

The lawyer raised a hand, silencing Melissa's outburst. "Please, let me continue. To my grandson-in-law, Rick Armstrong, I leave the Sky Limitless Hotel, which constitutes 50% of my total net worth. The remaining 50% will be divided equally among the Eldwolf family members."

Rick's eyes widened in shock as his heart skipped a beat.

"This is not possible. Did I here clearly?"

The other family members let out a chorus of objections and whispers.

Damian slammed his fist on the table as he was extremely angry

"This is an outrage! How can Grandpa give off half of his estate to that worthless outsider?"

The lawyer waited patiently for the commotion to die down before speaking again. "I understand your concerns, but I must remind you that this was the express wish of the late Mr. Eldwolf. As his legal representative, I am bound to carry out his instructions."

Melissa stood up, her chair scraping against the floor. "This is unacceptable! Rick doesn't deserve a single penny of my father's in-laws wealth. He's nothing but a leech, trying to take what's rightfully ours!"

Rick and Laura looked at each other were shocked and surprised that they felt like they couldn't catch there breath. Rick's hands trembled as he gripped Laura's, his heart racing. "I don't understand... How could your grandfather have left me the hotel? This doesn't make any sense."

Laura's eyes widened as tears dropped down from them

"I don't know, Rick. But this means... this means we won't have to worry anymore. We can finally have a future together, without the constant fear of being cast out by my family."

"You! How dare you and your good-for-nothing husband charm my father into giving him the hotel?" Melissa exclaimed, her eyes narrowing at Laura.


Melissa's hand swiftly struck Laura's cheek, the loud slap echoing through the conference room. The other members of the Eldwolf family sat around the table, their eyes widening at the sudden outburst.

"My father-in-law is no longer alive, so don't you dare think you can act all high and mighty around us," Melissa, Laura's mother, uttered, her eyes narrowing.

Rick stepped forward, his voice firm. "That's enough, Melissa. You'd better be careful about laying your hands on my wife, especially now that I'm the majority shareholder of this family's prized possession - the Sky Limitless Hotel."

Melissa's face contorted with rage. "How dare you speak to me like that, you worthless son-in-law? This family will never accept you or your wife as rightful heirs to my father-in-law legacy!"

Rick stood his ground, "Well, you better start accepting it, because the will is legally binding. Any attempts to challenge it will be futile. Laura and I are the ones who will be calling the shots from now on."

The lawyer, who had been observing the exchange, cleared his throat. "Mr. Armstrong is correct. The entire weight of the law will be applied to any interference with or attempts to overthrow the legally valid will. I would advise you all to tread carefully."

Melissa glared at Rick and Laura, as she thought in her mind,

"I will take both of you out if the picture just wait and see"

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