Chapter 2: False Allegation

Later that evening, Melissa, Damian, and several other Eldwolf family members gathered in the luxurious living room of the Eldwolf mansion. Melissa paced back and forth as she was furious.

"That worthless Rick... How dare he stand up to me like that?" she hissed through her clenched teeth. "And to think my father had the audacity to leave him the hotel! This must be some sick joke!"

Damian leaned back in his chair, arms crossed and a scowled.

"We can't let this slide, Mother. That hotel should belong to us. Rick and Laura are nothing but parasites. We need to figure out a way to ruin him and take back what’s rightfully ours."

Aunt Vivian, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. "We need to be careful. Rick may be a fool, but he’s now in a powerful position. If we’re going to take him down, we need to do it strategically."

Melissa paused her pacing and turned to face them, a wicked smile slowly spreading across her face.  

"I know exactly what to do," she said as she placed her hands on her chin.

Meanwhile, Rick and Laura were seated in a quiet corner of a small restaurant. Laura had been silent for most of the meal, her mind troubled by the day’s events.

"I'm not sure I can go back to that house, Rick," Laura finally confessed as she stared at her toes under the table.  

"They despise us, and now with you inheriting the hotel... I fear they’ll never forgive us."

Rick reached across the table and gently took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.  

"Laura, I know it’s difficult. But we’re in a much stronger position now. They might be acting all high and mighty, but deep down, their egos have been bruised. Their anger is a sign that they’re afraid of losing control. We can’t let them intimidate us."

Laura looked into his eyes, searching for the strength she desperately needed. "But what if they try to take it from you? What if they find a way to destroy you?"

Rick sighed and gave her a comforting smile.  

"It’s possible they’ll try something, but we can’t run away. We need to face them head-on. If we show fear, they’ll exploit it. But if we stand firm and play along, we might catch them off guard. We’ll have to be smart about this."

Laura hesitated, then nodded slowly.  

"I just don’t want to lose you, Rick."

"You won’t," Rick promised, squeezing her hand tighter. "We’ll be careful. We’ll be ready for whatever they throw at us."


They made their way back to the Eldwolf mansion. As they approached the grand entrance, they were surprised to be greeted warmly by the family members who had earlier treated them with such disdain. Even Aunt Vivian, who had been cold and distant, offered them a pleasant smile.

Placing a hand on Rick’s shoulder, her voice calm but with hidden intent, she said,  

“Rick, I must say, we were all surprised when Father decided to leave the company to you. But I’ve come to terms with it. After all, we’re family, aren’t we? We should support each other through everything.”  

Rick smiled politely but remained slightly wary.

“Uh, thanks, Mother-in-law. That means a lot.”

Damian chimed in with a smirk.  

“Yes, to new beginnings. You’ve certainly earned it. We’re all behind you... aren’t we, Mother?”  

Laura eyed her mother, unsure of the sudden change in demeanor. She thought maybe her mother had truly regretted her previous actions.

“Mom... you’ve been pretty upset about this all week. Are you really okay?” Laura asked slowly, afraid her mother might still do something unthinkable, like slapping her.

But, to her surprise, Melissa giggled condescendingly,  

“Oh, Laura, don’t be so suspicious. This is a time to come together, not tear each other apart. I’ve reflected on everything, and I realize holding grudges won’t help us. We should celebrate. In fact...” she immediately turned to the maid.  

“...let’s open the best wine we have.” Melissa motioned for them.

“To family, to success, and to... new leadership.” She handed a glass to Rick, who hesitated slightly.  

Laura, catching Rick’s hesitation, gave him a look.  

“Rick, maybe we should let go of the previous grudges. You’ve had a long day, and you need this.”

“Oh, don’t be so tense, Rick. It’s a celebration! Besides...” She lifted her drink and took a sip.  

“Maybe they’re just trying to please me since I have power now. After all, they can't poison me. It would surely get out that it was them.”  

Rick lowered his guard and accepted the glass, smiling at Laura reassuringly.

Damian grinned slyly as he watched Rick drink everything in the glass in one gulp.


"Drink! Drink! Drink!" the audience shouted as Damian and Rick competed in a drinking contest to see who could down the most tumblers. It was already noon.

Damian and Rick were grabbing glasses from the table and scooping them in one go. But Damian couldn’t hold his back and vomited it out.  

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed at drunken Damian.  

"I'm the winner!" Rick declared, standing up happily in his drunken state.

It was one of the happiest nights for Laura. This was the first time her family had truly accepted her. She couldn’t contain her immense joy at seeing Rick and her family getting along.

Melissa interjected with a smile as she turned to Laura,  

“Relax, Laura. You worry too much. Why don’t you and Rick head upstairs and get some rest? We’ll clean up down here.”

Rick, feeling the effects of the alcohol, couldn’t control his urge to drink more as he tried to stop himself.  

"I’ll... this, and then we can call it a night," Rick said, swaying.

"Mom, could you help me with Rick?" Laura asked as she tried to carry him upstairs.

But Melissa leaned back in her chair,  

"Oh, I’m sure you can handle him, Laura. You know I need to take care of your brother."

"Yes, Mom... I understand." Laura smiled as she went to Rick and put his arm over her shoulder.

"Laura... leave me alone! I need one last drink!" Rick shouted as he tried to push Laura away.

"Stop it." Laura held him still. He struggled but finally relented, allowing her to guide him without further resistance.

Once inside, Laura shut the door behind them and smiled, feeling extremely happy.

She turned to see Rick looking at her with a seductive gaze, drawing closer to her.  

“Laura... you’ve been so... distant lately.” He stepped toward her, his desire palpable.

Laura backed away, her heart pounding as she realized how much Rick had changed in just a few hours.  

“Rick, what’s going on? This isn’t you. You’re not acting like yourself.”  

Rick laughed as he reached for her hand.  

“Come on, Laura. We’re married. Why are you always pushing me away?” He pulled her against his chest.

“Stop it, Rick. I’m serious! Something’s wrong with you. Please, just go to sleep.” Laura tried to escape from his tight embrace.

Ignoring her, he became more forceful, his grip tightening as he pulled her toward the bed.  

“No, you’re always saying no. I don’t understand... I’m your husband. I deserve this.”

Laura rushed to the door, but it was locked from the outside.  

"Open this door! Help! Help me!" Laura screamed at the top of her lungs.

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