All Chapters of Tenfold Retribution : Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 chapters
Chapter 1: Inheriting Sky Limitless Hotel
"Are you alright? Why on earth would you spill the drink all over the table like that?" Melissa, a middle-aged woman, exclaimed in a sharp, scolding tone.*Paaaah!*Melissa’s hand swiftly struck Rick’s cheek, the loud slap resounded through the conference room. "My father is no longer alive, so don't you dare think you can act all high and mighty around us," Melissa, his mother-in-law, uttered, her eyes narrowing with anger. As the late patriarch's daughter, she seemed intent on asserting her dominance over the situation.Laura, who was standing by the corner, could do nothing but swallow the pain of seeing her husband get slapped. Laura stood by the corner, her eyes cast down as her family members ignored her.Rick just stood there, holding his cheek, knowing he was in no position to retaliate. He could only endure the humiliation in silence. Rick Armstrong was merely a live-in son-in-law who had married Laura from the Eldwolf family. The marriage had been arranged due to a vow made
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Chapter 2: False Allegation
Later that evening, Melissa, Damian, and several other Eldwolf family members gathered in the luxurious living room of the Eldwolf mansion. Melissa paced back and forth as she was furious."That worthless Rick... How dare he stand up to me like that?" she hissed through her clenched teeth. "And to think my father had the audacity to leave him the hotel! This must be some sick joke!"Damian leaned back in his chair, arms crossed and a scowled."We can't let this slide, Mother. That hotel should belong to us. Rick and Laura are nothing but parasites. We need to figure out a way to ruin him and take back what’s rightfully ours."Aunt Vivian, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. "We need to be careful. Rick may be a fool, but he’s now in a powerful position. If we’re going to take him down, we need to do it strategically."Melissa paused her pacing and turned to face them, a wicked smile slowly spreading across her face. "I know exactly what to do," she said as she placed
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Chapter 3: Arrested
Rick awoke to the bright sunlight of a new day, his head pounding from the remnants of the previous night’s alcohol. As his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he noticed the room was in complete disarray. Clothes were strewn across the floor—Laura’s dresses, and all her inner wears too now lay on the ground.The sight of her garments, especially the soft pink dress she had worn the night before, sent a chill down his spine. Something was terribly wrong.He sat up, realizing he was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. His mind struggled to piece together the events of the night before, but it was all a blur. “What happened?” he muttered to himself. He couldn’t recall anything, no matter how hard he tried. His heart raced as he scanned the room, his eyes landing on Laura.She was lying on the floor, partially covered by a blanket. Her hair was disheveled, and her makeup was smeared across her face, which could tell that she had been crying for hours. The sight of her in such a state mad
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Chapter 4: Released From Prison
Rick stood frozen, still trying to process what was happening. The man in the suit knelt before him, his head bowed, pleading for forgiveness."Young master, please forgive me for coming so late. I know I can’t take back the time you spent in jail; please have mercy on me. I tried everything possible to find you, but I couldn’t." The man’s voice trembled slightly, as he knelt down.Rick’s brow furrowed. He had no memory of this man, "What's going on? Do I know you? And why are you calling me 'young master'? I'm just a poor orphan."The man, still kneeling, looked up with sorrow in his eyes. "Young Master, my name is Charles, and I served your grandfather for over fifty years. I was his personal butler and confidant. Twenty years ago, your grandfather made a bold investment in a company—a company that he believed would secure the future of your family for generations."Rick remained silent, as Charles continued."Your grandfather put everything he had into that company. He even took
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Chapter 5: Inherits His Legacy
Rick sat back in his chair, as he had just finished his meal and the remnants still laid out before him on the large dining table in the grand estate. The house, with its massive rooms, expensive furniture, and quiet elegance, was far removed from the cold, sterile walls of the prison he had known for years. Yet, despite the luxury that surrounded him, Rick’s expression was calm, almost indifferent. The years behind bars had hardened him, molded him into someone who could no longer be fazed by wealth or grandeur. It was as if the hardships of prison life had prepared him for this exact moment.He wiped his face with the napkin, placed it neatly on the table, and called out, “Mr. Charles.”The butler appeared almost instantly, stepping quietly into the room with his hands folded neatly in front of him. “Yes, young master?”Rick leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on the table as he fixed his eyes on Charles. “I want to know if you have any information about my wife. How is Lau
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Chapter 6: Returning Back to Save His Family
Laura’s tears flowed freely now, her body trembling in Rick’s arms. She had never imagined he would return, let alone find her in such a pitiful state. And the little boy—their son—stood quietly at her side, watching the sceneElvis tugged at Rick’s pant leg and looked up at him with innocence only a child could have. “Daddy,” he said softly, “I don’t want Mommy to suffer anymore.”Rick’s heart shattered at the boy’s words. He had never thought he would have a child, and during his five long years in prison, he had been completely unaware that Laura had borne him a son. The weight of it all crashed down on him, and for the first time in a long time, Rick wept. He held Elvis tightly in his arms, holding him close, as he embraced Laura too. “I swear to both of you,” Rick said, his voice trembling, “I will never let you suffer again. Never. Under my watch, no one will harm you. I’m sorry, Laura. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone, for everything.”Laura, still overwhelmed by everything
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Chapter 7: Cruiser Party
Rick sat in his office, sipping a glass of whiskey while staring out of the large windows that framed the view of the city below. His mind wandered, though it always circled back to the same thoughts—his family, the struggles he had endured.When he heard a soft knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, and his butler, Charles, stepped in, his posture as impeccable as ever."Sir," Charles began, "there's an important event this evening that you may want to attend. It’s a gathering of several influential figures—one of those boat parties that serve as a social event for business discussions. It’s important for you to show your presence as the new heir."Rick sighed, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. "I’m not interested in showing my face to the world as the heir, Charles. I prefer to stay out of the spotlight for now."Charles smiled softly, unfazed. "You don’t need to make an entrance as the heir, sir. You could simply attend for fun, enjoy the party, and remain incognito. It
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Chapter 8: Cruiser Party 2
As Laura stared at the luxury cruiser, she turned to Rick, as she was completely confused"Is this really the venue?" she asked, pointing toward the large boat where people were walking up the stairs leading onto the deck. Everything about the scene seemed larger than life, and it felt surreal to her.Rick smiled warmly at her and nodded. "Yes, Laura, this is the place," he said with a playful tone. "This is a big surprise."Still stunned, Laura narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "Why did you keep it a secret? You could’ve told me."Rick chuckled, leaning in closer to her. "I wanted to see the look on your face when I surprised you," he admitted, "And trust me, it was worth it."Laura let out a small laugh, though a nervous one. She looked up at the cruiser. She had never been to an affluent party like this, so she felt a pulse pound in her wrist. Rick, sensing her fear, placed his hand gently on her lower back. "You shouldn't be's just a party" he reassured her.
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Chapter 9: Revenge
As Rick calmly sipped his drink, a slight smirk on his face, the room remained silent, shocked by the sudden turn of events. Damian, now lying on the floor, blood trickling from his nose and lip, groaned in pain as he tried to push himself up. “Y-you idiot!” Damian shuttered as his voice was strained. “I didn’t do anything—this wasn’t my fault!”Mark glared down at him, his chest pounding up and down “You’ve embarrassed my family! You’ve ruined the deal with the Tycoon Business Empire, all because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut!”From the corner of the room, a group of security guards rushed in. Two of the guards moved toward Damian, lifting him up by the arms.“Take him out of here,” Mark commanded, as he thought that he was in control.The guards nodded and began dragging Damian toward the exit. Damian struggled weakly against their grip, but he was too dazed and battered to put up much of a fight. His eyes darted around the room, searching for some form of support, but everyon
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