Chapter 4: Released From Prison

Rick stood frozen, still trying to process what was happening. The man in the  suit knelt before him, his head bowed, pleading for forgiveness.

"Young master, please forgive me for coming so late. I know I can’t take back the time you spent in jail; please have mercy on me. I tried everything possible to find you, but I couldn’t." The man’s voice trembled slightly, as he knelt down.

Rick’s brow furrowed. He had no memory of this man,  "What's going on? Do I know you? And why are you calling me 'young master'? I'm just a poor orphan."

The man, still kneeling, looked up with sorrow in his eyes. "Young Master, my name is Charles, and I served your grandfather for over fifty years. I was his personal butler and confidant. Twenty years ago, your grandfather made a bold investment in a company—a company that he believed would secure the future of your family for generations."

Rick remained silent, as Charles continued.

"Your grandfather put everything he had into that company. He even took out loans to ensure he could buy enough shares to have a controlling interest. He believed in the potential of the business so much that he sent me abroad to oversee its growth and ensure his investment was safe. But..." Charles hesitated, as he stared downwards with a somber face

"The company... it devalued. The market collapsed, and all your grandfather's investments were lost. The loans he took out became unbearable, and the pressure was too much for his heart."

Rick clenched his fists,  his parents died early when he was barely seven years old and his parents never told him anything about his grandfather. Maybe, it was because he was too young to handle it.

"Your grandfather died of a heart attack the day he received the news. He had hoped to provide for you, young master. He was old and frail, and though he knew he wouldn't be able to rebuild his fortune, he planned to will all his remaining properties to you. It was his final wish."

Rick’s heart pounded, but Charles wasn’t finished.

"The irony of it all is... that company, the one that was devalued? It rose again, just years after his death. It became a multi- billion-dollar corporation, more successful than anyone could have imagined. By the time I returned from abroad, your parents had passed away, and I thought you had perished in that terrible car accident."

The memory of the crash hit Rick like a wave. He had been so young, barely aware of the world around him, when the accident had taken his parents from him. All he remembered was waking up in the hospital, alone.

Charles lowered his gaze, filled with guilt. "I believed you had died, young master. That was why I didn’t search for you. But then I heard rumors, that you had survived and had married into the Eldwolf family. When I discovered what had happened—that you had been imprisoned on false charges—I was devastated. I should have been there. I should have protected you."

Rick felt his chest tighten. The mention of the Eldwolf family brought back the painful memories he had buried for so long. His wife, Laura. The night that changed everything. The drugged wine, the accusations, the trial that followed. The way Melissa had orchestrated the entire thing.

His fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Blood slowly began to trickle from his hands as his nails dug into his palms. The anger that surged through him was almost unbearable. He remembered Laura’s terrified face, the tears that had streamed down her cheeks, and the betrayal she felt. Even though she knew, deep down, that he wasn’t to blame, she had still pushed him away.

Charles noticed the blood and hurriedly moved forward. "Young master, please... forgive me. I failed you. I failed your grandfather. I should have been there to stop this from happening. Please..." The old butler knelt even lower, his forehead almost touching the ground.

Rick stood there, his mind racing through the memories of everything he had lost—his family, his freedom, his dignity. And yet, standing before him was a man who had served his grandfather faithfully, a man who now offered him a way out of the misery he had been trapped in for years.

He released a slow, shaky breath and forced himself to unclench his fists, letting the blood drip down to the ground. After a moment, he spoke, his voice low but steady. "Forget about the past. It’s fine. None of this changes what’s happened. I don’t blame you, Charles."

The butler looked up, hope and relief flooding his eyes. "Thank you, young master. Thank you."

"But," Rick continued, "I’ll follow you on one condition."

Charles nodded eagerly. "Anything, young master. Name it."

Rick’s hardened expression softened slightly, and for the first time in years, he was a bit relieved.

"Is there good food where we’re going? Because I’ve been starving in prison for years, and I could really use something decent meal"

Charles blinked, taken aback for a second, before a small smile broke through his serious demeanor. "Of course, young master. Only the finest meals await you."

Rick chuckled, the tension in his body easing just a little. "Good. Then let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough of this place."

As Rick walked toward the convoy of cars, Charles quickly followed. The years of neglect, of feeling lost, were beginning to fade. He would make up for the lost time. He would serve Rick, just as he had served his grandfather.

Rick paused for a moment at the door of the black car waiting for Charles. He glanced back at the prison one last time, his thoughts briefly thinking about Laura and the life he had been forced to leave behind.

"Laura... I will come for you, and I promise I will surely make them pay for everything," Rick said to himself.

"Young Master, aren't you going to get in?" Charles asked Rick.

With a final nod to Charles, he stepped into the car.

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