Chapter 42

At Adam's residence, Kyra was furious as she entered his room and shouted very loudly. "Damn it! It's really damn it!"

Her breath seemed to be coming fast. She was holding her cell phone very tightly and still waiting for the news from some of her other friends.

Actually, a few days ago, Kyra heard that one of her friends was going to organize a socialite party. Kyra had thought of everything she had prepared to come to the party at that time. She had even bought some new clothes and a new bag. Not to mention, she also purchased some other expensive jewelry from Lukas.

It was a party that she often did together with her other friends. But on this day, Kyra had not yet received an invitation from her friend.

Even today, we see her getting ready using some of the expensive jewelry and also the branded bags that she wears. She has prepared as beautifully and elegantly as possible for the socialite party. In fact, she was very sure that all her friends would be very complimentary of h
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