Chapter 44

"Father, is this something serious?" Felicia could barely blink her eyes as she took in everything before her.

She looked up at Kaiden for a few moments. It was clear that his face was filled with disbelief.

Kaiden nodded his head. "Of course. This is the Amusement Park. A big playground. You'll have a lot of fun and enjoyment." Kaiden gave his daughter a serious answer.

Again, Felicia rounded her eyes as she saw the many things before her. This was the playground she had always dreamed of.

Many of her friends had told her they went on so many rides that Felicia began to string things together in her mind. A big rollercoaster. Lots of fun rides and a huge swimming pool. It was almost like what she had dreamed of all along. In fact, she was happy that all her fantasies were not just imaginary. But now she really feels it.

Rihanna was also quite shocked by what she saw in front of her. All this time, she had never been able to bring Felicia to a place like this. She didn't even have
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